Clinical Trials /

Intraperitoneal Radioimmunotherapy With 131I-8H9 for Patients With Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumors and Other Solid Tumors Involving the Peritoneum



The purpose of this study is to test the safety of a new medicine called antibody 8H9 injected into the lining of the abdomen or peritoneum, where the tumor is. This medicine is an antibody or protein which binds to certain tumors, including DSCRT. There is a small number of DSCRT which do not bind with 8H9. If the tumor does not bind with 8H9, you might not benefit from this treatment. The investigators want to find out what effects, good and/or bad, it has. This antibody is made in mice. Radioactive iodine can be bound to this antibody to deliver radiation to the tumor. The investigators wish to determine the safety of radiolabeled 8H9 at different dose levels. This is the first study using 131I-8H9 in the peritoneum.

Related Conditions:
  • Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor
  • Malignant Solid Tumor
Recruiting Status:

Active, not recruiting


Phase 1

Trial Eligibility



  • Brief Title: Intraperitoneal Radioimmunotherapy With 131I-8H9 for Patients With Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumors and Other Solid Tumors Involving the Peritoneum
  • Official Title: Phase I Study of Intraperitoneal Radioimmunotherapy With 131I-8H9 for Patients With Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumors and Other Solid Tumors Involving the Peritoneum

Clinical Trial IDs

  • ORG STUDY ID: 09-090
  • NCT ID: NCT01099644


  • Peritoneal Cancer


131 I-8H9131 I-8H9


The purpose of this study is to test the safety of a new medicine called antibody 8H9 injected into the lining of the abdomen or peritoneum, where the tumor is. This medicine is an antibody or protein which binds to certain tumors, including DSCRT. There is a small number of DSCRT which do not bind with 8H9. If the tumor does not bind with 8H9, you might not benefit from this treatment. The investigators want to find out what effects, good and/or bad, it has. This antibody is made in mice. Radioactive iodine can be bound to this antibody to deliver radiation to the tumor. The investigators wish to determine the safety of radiolabeled 8H9 at different dose levels. This is the first study using 131I-8H9 in the peritoneum.

Trial Arms

131 I-8H9ExperimentalThis is a phase I study of 131I-8H9 for patients with DSRCT and other 8H9-reactive solid tumors metastatic to the peritoneum.
  • 131 I-8H9

Eligibility Criteria

        Inclusion Criteria:

          -  Patients must have the diagnosis of (a) DSRCT with peritoneal involvement or (b) other
             Burtomab-positive solid tumors involving the peritoneum (e.g. adrenocortical
             carcinoma, Wilm's tumor).

          -  For tumors other than DSRCT, patients must have a history of tumor progression or
             recurrence or failure to achieve complete response with standard therapy or <20%
             chance of long term disease-free survival.

          -  For tumors other than DSRCT, Burtomab reactivity must be confirmed by

          -  Patients with DSCRT are not required to have measurable or evaluable disease.

          -  Patients with tumors other than DSRCT without measurable or evaluable disease will
             only be considered if they have <20% chance of long term disease-free survival.

          -  Prior Therapy: At least 4 weeks should have elapsed since any biologic therapy, or
             immunotherapy. Three weeks should have elapsed since last dose of chemotherapy or

          -  Age >1 year and able to cooperate with radiation safety restrictions during therapy

          -  Stem cells: Patients must have an autologous hematopoietic stem cell product
             cryopreserved and available for re-infusion after 131 I-Burtomab treatment. The
             minimum dose for hematopoietic stem cells is 2 x 106 CD34+ cells/kg.

          -  Minimum life expectancy of six weeks as determined by consenting professional.

          -  Signed informed consent indicating awareness of the investigational nature of this

        Exclusion Criteria:

          -  Severe major organ toxicity. Renal, cardiac, hepatic, pulmonary, gastrointestinal and
             neurologic toxicity should all be grade 1 or less (per NCI CTC version 3 criteria)
             with the following exceptions: serum AST,ALT and alkaline phosphatase should be ≤5 x
             upper limit of normal (ULN), serum bilirubin ≤ 3 x ULN and nausea and vomiting should
             be ≤ grade 2 Patients with myelosuppression are not excluded if ANC ≥ 500/uL.

          -  Platelet count should be > 50,000/ul and hemoglobin should be > 8gm/dl. Patients may
             receive platelet or red blood cell transfusions to maintain hemoglobin and platelets
             at clinical appropriate levels.

          -  Patients with clinically suspected dense intraperitoneal adhesions preventing adequate
             IP distribution.

          -  History of allergy to mouse proteins.

          -  Patients previously treated with murine monoclonal antibodies will be excluded if they
             have a HAMA level of >1000U/ml.

          -  Active serious infections not controlled by antibiotics.

          -  Pregnant women and women who are breast feeding are excluded for fear of danger to the
             fetus/infant. Therefore negative pregnancy test is required for all women of
             child-bearing age, and appropriate contraception is used during the study period.
             Pregnancy testing will be carried out within two weeks prior to administration of
             radioiodinated Burtomab in females of childbearing age.

          -  Inability or unwillingness to comply with radiation safety procedures or protocol
Maximum Eligible Age:N/A
Minimum Eligible Age:1 Year
Eligible Gender:All
Healthy Volunteers:No

Primary Outcome Measures

Measure:Define the toxicity of 131I-8H9 administered intraperitoneally.
Time Frame:weekly
Safety Issue:

Secondary Outcome Measures

Measure:Define maximal tolerated dose (MTD) of 131I-8H9 administered intraperitoneally
Time Frame:5 years
Safety Issue:
Measure:Assess pharmacokinetics for IP 131I-8H9
Time Frame:0 hrs, 60 mins, 2 hrs, 8 hrs, 18hrs, 30 hrs, 42hr, 66hrs, 90 hrs, and 114hrs.
Safety Issue:
Measure:Assess response of DSRCT and other solid tumors to IP 131 I-8H9.
Time Frame:between days 24 and 38
Safety Issue:


Phase:Phase 1
Primary Purpose:Interventional
Overall Status:Active, not recruiting
Lead Sponsor:Y-mAbs Therapeutics

Trial Keywords

  • Peritoneum
  • Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumors
  • Intraperitoneal Radioimmunotherapy
  • 131 I-8H9
  • 09-090

Last Updated

May 21, 2020