Clinical Trials /

Evaluation of the Safety and Tolerability of i.v. Administration of a Cancer Vaccine in Patients With Advanced Melanoma



The purpose of this study is to determine the safety and tolerability of intravenous administration of a tetravalent RNA-lipoplex cancer vaccine targeting four tumor-associated antigens in patients with advanced melanoma.

Related Conditions:
  • Melanoma
Recruiting Status:

Active, not recruiting


Phase 1

Trial Eligibility



  • Brief Title: Evaluation of the Safety and Tolerability of i.v. Administration of a Cancer Vaccine in Patients With Advanced Melanoma
  • Official Title: Clinical First-in-human Dose Escalation Study Evaluating the Safety and Tolerability of Intravenous Administration of a Tetravalent RNA-lipoplex Cancer Vaccine Targeting Four Tumour-associated Antigens in Patients With Advanced Melanoma

Clinical Trial IDs

  • ORG STUDY ID: RB_0003-01
  • NCT ID: NCT02410733


  • Melanoma




The purpose of this study is to determine the safety and tolerability of intravenous administration of a tetravalent RNA-lipoplex cancer vaccine targeting four tumor-associated antigens in patients with advanced melanoma.

Detailed Description

      -  The Lipo-MERIT vaccine consists of the four naked ribonucleic acid (RNA)-drug products
           (DPs) RBL001.1, RBL002.2, RBL003.1, and RBL004.1 that are optimised to induce
           antigen-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cell responses against four selected malignant
           melanoma-associated antigens respectively.

        -  In this study, naked RNA DPs will be formulated with liposomes to form RNA-lipoplexes
           (RNA(LIP)) that (i) protect RNA from degradation in the serum, (ii) enable in vivo
           targeting of systemic antigen-presenting cells (APC), and therefore (iii) constitute a
           novel vaccine formulation that supports intravenous administration.

        -  The Lipo-MERIT vaccine is expected to lead to several effects contributing to its
           immunological (therapeutic) effect. First, the RNA-lipoplexes home to APCs in lymphoid
           organs after intravenous injection, where they are rapidly taken up by professional
           APCs. Incorporated RNA is translocated to the cytoplasm leading to its translation by
           the host ribosome complex into four Antigen encoding proteins which are processed and
           presented on both HLA-class I as well as HLA-class II molecules. Consecutively,
           antigen-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cell responses will be triggered by HLA-peptide
           complexes on the surface of antigen-presenting cells.

        -  In addition, the Lipo-MERIT vaccine is expected to transiently activate APCs (change of
           surface marker expression and cytokine secretion) via signalling of TLRs, subsequently
           leading to the transient induction of inflammatory cytokines (such as IFN-α and IP-10)
           supporting the induction of tumour-antigen specific T cell responses.

Trial Arms

Lipo-MERITExperimental7 dose escalation cohorts (3 +3 design) and 3 expanded cohorts
  • Lipo-MERIT

Eligibility Criteria

        Inclusion Criteria:

          -  Cohort I: stage IV malignant melanoma (AJCC 2009 melanoma classification)

          -  Cohorts II-VII end expanded cohorts: stage IIIB-C, or stage IV of malignant melanoma
             (AJCC 2009 melanoma classification) Expanded cohorts C only patients with stage IV
             melanoma (AJCC 2009 melanoma classification) with measurable disease (at least one
             target lesion according irRECIST 1.1) [applicable for all patients after approval of
             protocol version 10.0]

          -  Therapy only for subjects not eligible or declining any other available approved
             therapy after all available treatment options have been transparently disclosed (to be

          -  Expression of either one of four TAA confirmed by RT-qPCR analysis from FFPE

          -  ≥ 18 years of age

          -  Written informed consent

          -  ECOG performance status (PS) 0-1

          -  Life expectancy >/= 6 months

          -  WBC ≥ 3x10E9/L

          -  Hemoglobin ≥ 9 g/dL

          -  Platelet count ≥ 100,000/mm³

          -  ALT/AST < 3 x ULN (except patients with liver metastasis)

          -  Negative pregnancy test (measured by β-HCG) for females with childbearing age

        Exclusion Criteria:

          -  Pregnancy or breastfeeding

          -  Primary ocular melanoma

          -  Concurrence of a second malignancy other than squamous or basal cell carcinoma,
             non-active prostate cancer, or cervical carcinoma in situ or non-active treated
             urothelial carcinoma

          -  Brain metastases

               -  Patients with history of treated or inactive brain metastasis are eligible for
                  treatment in expanded cohort C, provided they meet all of the following criteria:

               -  measurable disease outside of the brain (in addition to inactive brain

               -  no ongoing requirement of corticosteroids as therapy for brain metastases,

               -  with corticosteroids discontinued ≥1 week prior to visit 2 (day 1) with no
                  ongoing symptoms attributable to brain metastasis;

               -  the screening brain radiographic imaging is ≥ 4 weeks since completion of

          -  Post-splenectomy Patients

          -  Known hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients

          -  A serious local infection (e.g. cellulitis, abscess) or systemic infection (e.g.
             pneumonia, septicemia) which requires systemic antibiotic treatment within 2 weeks
             prior to the first dose of study medication

          -  Positive test for acute or chronic active hepatitis B or C infection

          -  Clinically relevant active autoimmune disease

          -  Systemic immune suppression:

               -  HIV disease

               -  Use of chronic oral or systemic steroid medication (topical or inhalational
                  steroids are permitted)

               -  Other clinical relevant systemic immune suppression

          -  Symptomatic congestive heart failure (NYHA 3 or 4)

          -  Unstable angina pectoris

          -  Radiotherapy and minor surgery within 14 days prior to the first study treatment

          -  Myelosuppressive chemotherapy within 14 days and after reconstitution of blood values
             prior to the first study treatment administration

          -  Ipilimumab within 28 days prior to the first study treatment administration

          -  Treatments with BRAF inhibitors, MEK inhibitors, or the combination of both, and
             anti-PD-1 antibodies within 14 days prior to the first administration of study
             treatment (not applicable for patients with parallel treatment in expanded cohorts A,
             B, or C at the discretion of the investigator)

          -  Interferon, major surgery, vaccination, and other investigational agents within 28
             days or 5 half-lives depending on what gives the longer range before the first

          -  Approved BRAF inhibitors vemurafenib or dabrafenib, approved anti-PD-1 inhibitors
             nivolumab or pembrolizumab as well as approved MEK inhibitor trametinib, or the
             approved combination of BRAF-MEK inhibitors in patients in dose escalation cohorts.
             Concomitant treatment with approved BRAF inhibitors, approved anti-PD-1 antibodies or
             MEK inhibitor as well as the approved combination of BRAF-MEK inhibitors is allowed
             for patients included in the expanded cohorts, after analysis of safety data collected
             for the dose escalation cohorts and DSMB approval. Local radiation will be allowed as
             concurrent treatment for patients in expanded cohort as well.

             - After approval of protocol version 10.0 only anti-PD-1 antibodies are allowed for
             treatment of patients in expanded cohort C.

          -  Fertile males and females who are unwilling to use a highly effective method of birth
             control (less than 1% per year, e.g. condom with spermicide, diaphragm with
             spermicide, birth control pills, injections, patches or intrauterine device) during
             study treatment and for at least 28 days (male patients) and 90 days (female patients
             of childbearing potential)after the last dose of study treatment

          -  Presence of a severe concurrent illness or other condition (e.g. psychological,
             family, sociological, or geographical circumstances) that does not permit adequate
             follow-up and compliance with the protocol
Maximum Eligible Age:N/A
Minimum Eligible Age:18 Years
Eligible Gender:All
Healthy Volunteers:No

Primary Outcome Measures

Measure:Number of Adverse Events as a Measure of safety and tolerability
Time Frame:180 days
Safety Issue:
Description:Number of patients with adverse events, total number of adverse events, dose limiting toxicities

Secondary Outcome Measures

Measure:Change of induced T-cell responses for Lipo-MERIT vaccine from visit 2 (day 1) to day 71 (assessed by immunoassays)
Time Frame:90 days
Safety Issue:
Description:Vaccine induced T-cell responses assessed by immunoassays in peripheral blood and skin
Measure:Clinical Monitoring of tumor lesions (determined by CT or MRI results evaluated by irRECIST 1.1)
Time Frame:90 days
Safety Issue:
Description:Tumour lesion status as determined by CT or MRI results evaluated by irRECIST 1.1
Measure:Progression Free Survival (PFS)
Time Frame:every 3 month, From Baseline until the date of first documented progression or date of death from any cause, whichever came first, assessed up to 36 months
Safety Issue:
Description:Defined as the time from the first vaccination to confirmed occurence of Progression or death from any course, which ever occurs first, per irRECIST 1.1


Phase:Phase 1
Primary Purpose:Interventional
Overall Status:Active, not recruiting
Lead Sponsor:BioNTech RNA Pharmaceuticals GmbH

Trial Keywords

  • melanoma
  • Lipo-MERIT
  • cancer vaccine
  • RB_0003-01
  • BioNTech
  • BioNTech RNA Pharmaceuticals
  • BioNTech RNA
  • RNA
  • RNA vaccine
  • BNT111

Last Updated

August 28, 2020