Clinical Trials /

Clinical Trial of BP1001 in Combination With With Venetoclax Plus Decitabine in AML



The primary objectives of this study are to assess: (1) whether the combination of BP1001 plus venetoclax plus decitabine provides greater efficacy (Complete Remission [CR], Complete Remission with incomplete hematologic recovery [CRi], Complete Remission with partial hematologic recovery [CRh], than venetoclax plus decitabine alone (by historical comparison) in participants with untreated AML that cannot or elect not to be treated with more intensive chemotherapy; (2) whether BP1001-based treatment provides greater efficacy (CR, CRi, CRh) than intensive chemotherapy (by historical comparison) in participants with refractory/relapsed AML.

Related Conditions:
  • Acute Myeloid Leukemia
  • Acute Myeloid Leukemia Arising from Previous Myelodysplastic Syndrome
  • Secondary Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Recruiting Status:



Phase 2

Trial Eligibility



  • Brief Title: Clinical Trial of BP1001 in Combination With With Venetoclax Plus Decitabine in AML
  • Official Title: A Phase IIa, Open-label, Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Safety, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Efficacy of BP1001 (a Liposomal Grb2 Antisense Oligonucleotide) in Combination With Venetoclax Plus Decitabine in Patients With AML Who Are Ineligible for Intensive Induction Therapy

Clinical Trial IDs

  • ORG STUDY ID: BP1001-201-AML
  • NCT ID: NCT02781883


  • Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)


BP1001 in combination with Ventoclax plus decitabineLiposomal Grb-2, L-Grb-2Refractory/Relapsed AML
BP1001 plus decitabineLiposomal Grb-2, L-Grb-2Refractory/Relapsed AML (ventoclax-intolerant or resistant)


The primary objectives of this study are to assess: (1) whether the combination of BP1001 plus venetoclax plus decitabine provides greater efficacy (Complete Remission [CR], Complete Remission with incomplete hematologic recovery [CRi], Complete Remission with partial hematologic recovery [CRh], than venetoclax plus decitabine alone (by historical comparison) in participants with untreated AML that cannot or elect not to be treated with more intensive chemotherapy; (2) whether BP1001-based treatment provides greater efficacy (CR, CRi, CRh) than intensive chemotherapy (by historical comparison) in participants with refractory/relapsed AML.

Detailed Description

      Improvement of clinical benefit in fragile AML patients while maintaining tolerability is an
      important area of further clinical development. Modern aggressive combination chemotherapy
      can induce CR in a significant proportion of patients with previously untreated AML, but
      relapse occurs in most unless patients undergo intensive allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell
      transplantation. Novel therapies are needed for these patients

      The Grb2 gene has been mapped to the human chromosome region 17q22-qter, a region that is
      duplicated in leukemias and solid tumors, which may result in an increased copy number of the
      Grb2 gene product. As Grb2 is important for the transformation of murine hematopoietic cells,
      and the proliferation of human leukemia cells that express high levels of oncogenic tyrosine
      kinases, inhibition of Grb2 may have a significant impact on the natural history of
      leukemias. The study drug (BP1001) may be able to inhibit the cells from making Grb-2.
      Researchers hope that without this protein, the leukemia cells will die.

      This represents an area in which targeted therapies might be of benefit to these patients.
      One such potential treatment is BP1001, liposomal anti-sense treatment directed against
      Growth Factor Receptor-Bound Protein 2 (Grb2). Decitabine is approved in Europe for the
      treatment of adult patients with newly diagnosed de novo or secondary acute myeloid leukemia
      (AML). In vitro studies in AML cells co-incubated with BP1001 and decitabine suggests that
      treatment of AML patients with decitabine followed by BP1001 may be a combination that could
      benefit patients with AML.

      This Phase IIa, multicenter, study of BP1001 in combination with Ventoclax plus decitabine
      will enroll participants with AML who are not otherwise eligible for for intensive induction

      This trial will utilize an open label design to assess the safety profile, PK, PD, and
      efficacy of of BP1001 in combination with Ventoclax plus decitabine to assess whether the
      combination of either provides greater efficacy than intensive chemotherapy alone.

      There are 3 cohorts exploring three-drug combinations of BP1001, venetoclax and decitabine.

        -  Untreated AML patients will be treated with BP1001 plus venetoclax plus decitabine.

        -  Refractory/relapsed AML patients will also be treated with BP1001 plus venetoclax plus

        -  A third cohort of BP1001 + decitabine is offered to refractory/relapsed AML patients who
           are venetoclax resistant or intolerant, or not considered by the investigator as optimal
           candidates for venetoclax-based therapy.

      Each cohort will continue until approximately 19 evaluable participants have been
      investigated. At that point, enrollment will be placed on hold so that the Sponsor can
      perform an administrative review of the data to determine which treatment cohorts should
      continue with enrollment.

      Should one or more cohorts continue with enrollment, the sample size will be increased up to
      54 in the refractory/relapsed AML cohorts and 98 in the untreated AML cohort. These sample
      sizes for the study are based on the primary endpoint.

Trial Arms

Untreated AMLExperimentalBP1001 in combination with Ventoclax plus decitabine
  • BP1001 in combination with Ventoclax plus decitabine
Refractory/Relapsed AMLExperimentalBP1001 in combination with Ventoclax plus decitabine
  • BP1001 in combination with Ventoclax plus decitabine
Refractory/Relapsed AML (ventoclax-intolerant or resistant)ExperimentalBP1001 + decitabine combination in patients who are resistant or intolerant of venetoclax-based treatment, or considered not optimal candidates for a venetoclax-based therapy.
  • BP1001 plus decitabine

Eligibility Criteria

        Inclusion Criteria

        At the time of Screening, participants must meet all of the following criteria to be
        considered eligible to participate in the study:

          1. Adults ≥18 years of age

          2. Females must be of non-childbearing potential, surgically sterile, postmenopausal, or
             practice adequate methods of contraception during the study and for 30 days after the
             last dose of study drug or decitabine

          3. Males must agree to use an adequate method of contraception during the study and for
             at least 30 days after the last dose of study drug or decitabine

          4. Histologically documented diagnosis (based on the 2008 World Health Organization [WHO]
             Classification) (Vardiman et al. 2009) of one of the following:

               1. Newly diagnosed untreated AML; or

               2. Untreated secondary AML, including AML that has progressed from MDS

               3. In some cases of AML associated with specific genetic abnormalities, however, the
                  diagnosis of AML may be made if the blast count is less than 20% (Dohner et al.
                  2017) - specifically AML with t(15;17), t(8;21), inv(16), or t(16;16))

               4. Relapsed or Refractory AML

          5. Investigator considers previously untreated participant ineligible for (or unwilling
             to receive) intensive induction therapy based on medical reasons, disease
             characteristics such as genetics, type of AML (untreated or secondary), or participant
             characteristics such as age, performance status, co-morbidities, organ dysfunctions,
             or patient election of low-intensity treatment

          6. Eligible for venetoclax and decitabine therapy, based on Investigator assessment

          7. Participant's WBC count is 25 x 10^9/L or less at study initiation. The use of
             leukapheresis or hydroxyurea before treatment initiation to achieve this is permitted.

          8. Adequate hepatic and renal functions as defined by:

               1. Aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT) ≤2.5 times the upper
                  limit of normal (ULN); and

               2. Usually total bilirubin ≤ 1.5 ULN. In specific cases the PI may request a waiver
                  of this requirement with medical justification and agreement with the medical
                  monitor and Bio-Path holdings. And;

               3. Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of at least 40 ml/min. These
                  estimations can be calculated using any of the following methods (Appendix E:

             i. Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-Epi) equation

               -  GFR = 141 × min (Scr /κ, 1)^α × max(Scr /κ, 1)^-1.209 × 0.993^Age × 1.018 [if
                  female] × 1.159 [if black] ii. Cockcroft gault equation

               -  Cockcroft Gault equation utilizing the TBW (Total body weight) to calculate an
                  estimated creatinine clearance

               -  CrCl = [(140 - age) x TBW] / (Scr x 72) x 0.85 [if female] iii. Modification of
                  Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) Study equation

               -  GFR (mL/min/1.73 m^2) = 175 × (Scr)^-1.154 × (Age)^-0.203 × 0.74 [if female] x
                  1.212 [if African American (AA)] iv. Creatinine clearance estimated by 24-hr
                  urine collection for creatinine clearance

          9. Documented Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status of 0, 1, or 2

         10. Recovered from the effects of any prior surgery, radiotherapy, or antineoplastic
             treatment (with the exception of alopecia), based on Investigator assessment

         11. Willing and able to provide written informed consent 7.2. Exclusion Criteria

        At the time of Screening, participants who meet any of the following criteria will be
        excluded from participating in the study:

          1. Active non-hematologic or lymphoid malignancy other than AML treated with immuno- or
             chemotherapy within the previous 12 months except active non- melanoma, non-invasive
             skin cancer will be allowed.

          2. Known, active leptomeningeal leukemia requiring intrathecal therapy. NOTE: Patients
             with a history of CNS disease may be allowed to participate based on at least 1
             documented, negative spinal fluid assessment within 28 days prior to Screening

          3. Isolated extramedullary leukemia without also meeting bone marrow criteria for acute
             leukemia (for AML usually = 20% blasts in BMA or BMB). Patients may have leukemia with
             lower blast counts (Dohner et al. 2010). Bio-Path Holdings and Investigator
             concurrence required.

          4. Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) with t(15;17)(q22;q12) PML-RARA

          5. Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in any phase

          6. Receipt of any anti-cancer therapy within 14 days prior to C1D1, with the exception of
             hydroxyurea or anagrelide (within 24 hours), TKI (within 1day), a single dose of
             cytarabine (for proliferative disease)

          7. Uncontrolled active, untreated, or progressive infection

          8. Receipt of any investigational agent or study treatment within 30 days prior to C1D1

          9. Females who are capable of becoming pregnant, test positive for pregnancy, or are
             breast-feeding during the Screening period, or intend to become pregnant or
             breast-feed during the course of the study or within 30 days after last dose of study

         10. Serious intercurrent medical or psychiatric illness which, in the opinion of the
             Investigator, would interfere with the ability of the participant to complete the

         11. Known active or clinically significant hepatitis B infection (based on positive
             surface antigen [HBsAg]), hepatitis C infection (based on positive antibody [HCV Ab]),
             or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1 or HIV-2, based on positive antibody)

         12. History of any hypersensitivity to venetoclax or decitabine, unless reaction is deemed
             irrelevant to the study by the Investigator and Medical Monitor

         13. Presence of concurrent conditions that, in the opinion of the Investigator and/or
             Medical Monitor, may compromise the participant's ability to tolerate study treatment
             or interfere with any aspect of study conduct or interpretation of results. This
             includes but is not limited to, unstable or uncontrolled angina, New York Heart
             Association (NYHA) class III or IV congestive heart failure, uncontrolled and
             sustained hypertension, clinically significant cardiac dysrhythmia or clinically
             significant baseline ECG abnormality (e.g., QTcF >470 msec)

         14. Within the past 6 months, has had any of the following: myocardial infarction,
             unstable angina pectoris, coronary/peripheral artery bypass graft, cerebrovascular
             accident or transient ischemic attack

         15. Uncontrolled seizure disorder (i.e., seizures within the past 2 months)

         16. Cannot receive live attenuated vaccine immunization prior to, during, or after
             treatment with venetoclax until B-cell recovery occurs

         17. Unable or unwilling to communicate or cooperate with the Investigator or follow the
             protocol for any reason
Maximum Eligible Age:N/A
Minimum Eligible Age:18 Years
Eligible Gender:All
Healthy Volunteers:No

Primary Outcome Measures

Measure:Assessment of efficacy in untreated AML subjects by bone marrow aspirate or biopsy
Time Frame:180 days
Safety Issue:
Description:Assess whether the combination of BP1001 and Ventoclax plus decitabine provides greater efficacy (Complete Remission [CR], Complete Remission with incomplete hematologic recovery [CRi], Complete Remission with partial hematologic recovery [CRh], than Ventoclax + decitabine alone (by historical comparison) with untreated AML that cannot or elect not to be treated with more intensive chemotherapy

Secondary Outcome Measures

Measure:Assessment of safety of BP1001 in combination with Ventoclax plus decitabine
Time Frame:30 days
Safety Issue:
Description:Evaluate safety and toxicity of the combination of BP1001 with Ventoclax plus decitabine using non-hematologic and hematologic measures per NCI CTCAE criteria (with a safety run-in)
Measure:Assessment of the pharmacokinetics (PK) of BP1001 when given in combination with Ventoclax plus decitabine
Time Frame:30 days
Safety Issue:
Description:Evaluate the in vivo PK using plasma to compute half life and elimination.
Measure:Assessment of Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) status in patients who achieve CR/CRi/CRh with BP1001-based treatment
Time Frame:30 days
Safety Issue:
Description:Assess time to response from administration of BP1001-based treatment to CR, CRi, or CRh, negative MRD status as defined by the site and as available (Usually ≤ 0.1% by multi-parameter flow cytometry).
Measure:Assessment of Partial Remissions and blast count reductions.
Time Frame:30 days
Safety Issue:
Description:Assessment of Partial Remissions (per Cheson, 2003), and blast count reductions (per Williams, 2016)
Measure:Assessment of overall survival
Time Frame:180 days
Safety Issue:
Description:To assess event-free survival, overall survival, time to response, and duration of response from date of study entry to study closure or death.


Phase:Phase 2
Primary Purpose:Interventional
Overall Status:Recruiting
Lead Sponsor:Bio-Path Holdings, Inc.

Trial Keywords

  • Liposomal Grb-2 treatment of AML
  • Liposomal Grb-2 with Venetoclax plus decitabine for AML

Last Updated

July 21, 2021