Clinical Trials /

Alisertib and TAK-228 in Participants With Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Associated Malignancies



The goal of this clinical research study is to find the highest tolerable dose of the combination of alisertib and TAK-228 that can be given to participants with advanced solid tumors that are associated with HPV. Researchers also want to learn if the study drug combination can help to control advanced solid tumors.

Related Conditions:
  • Anal Carcinoma
  • Cervical Carcinoma
  • Oropharyngeal Carcinoma
  • Penile Carcinoma
  • Vaginal Carcinoma
  • Vulvar Carcinoma
Recruiting Status:



Phase 1

Trial Eligibility



  • Brief Title: Alisertib and TAK-228 in Participants With Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Associated Malignancies
  • Official Title: A Phase I Study of Alisertib and TAK-228 in Participants With Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Associated Malignancies

Clinical Trial IDs

  • ORG STUDY ID: 2015-0689
  • SECONDARY ID: NCI-2016-01190
  • NCT ID: NCT02812056


  • Malignant Neoplasms of Digestive Organs
  • Malignant Neoplasms of Female Genital Organs
  • Malignant Neoplasms of Lip Oral Cavity and Pharynx
  • Malignant Neoplasms of Male Genital Organs


AlisertibMLN8237Alisertib + TAK-228
TAK-228MLN0128Alisertib + TAK-228


The goal of this clinical research study is to find the highest tolerable dose of the combination of alisertib and TAK-228 that can be given to participants with advanced solid tumors that are associated with HPV. Researchers also want to learn if the study drug combination can help to control advanced solid tumors.

Detailed Description

      Study Groups:

      If participant is found to be eligible to take part in this study, they will be assigned to a
      dose level based on when they join the study. Up to 5 dose levels of alisertib and TAK-228
      will be tested. The first group of participants will receive the lowest dose level. Each new
      group will receive a higher dose than the group before it, if no intolerable side effects
      were seen. This will continue until the highest tolerable dose of alisertib and TAK-228 is

      Up to 14 participants will be enrolled onto a Dose Expansion group after the highest
      tolerable dose combination has been found.

      Study Drug Administration:

      Each cycle is 21 days.

      On Days 1-7 of each cycle, participant will take alisertib by mouth 2 times a day with a
      glass of water (about 4 ounces).

      On Days 3-18 of each cycle, participant will take TAK-228 by mouth 1 time a day Participant
      should not eat or drink anything for 2 hours before and 1 hour after taking TAK-228.

      Study Visits:

      Participant will need to take their blood sugar levels every morning while they are on study.
      Participant will be given a blood sugar monitor and the study staff will show them how to use
      it. Participant will also have their blood sugar tested in the clinic Participant must fast
      for at least 8 hours before each of these blood sugar tests. If the doctor thinks it is in
      participant's best interest, this testing may be decreased to 1 time a week after the first 2

      During Week 1 of Cycle 1:

        -  Participant will have a physical exam.

        -  Blood (about 3 teaspoons) will be drawn for routine tests and to test blood clotting,
           participant's blood fat levels, and their blood sugar levels.

        -  Urine will be collected for routine tests

      On Day 1 of Cycles 1 and 2, you will have an EKG.

      One (1) time during Weeks 2 and 3 of Cycle 1, blood (about 2 teaspoons) for routine tests and
      to test participant's blood sugar.

      One (1) time a week during Cycles 1 and 2, blood (about 2 teaspoons) will be drawn for
      routine tests.

      During Week 1 of Cycle 2 and beyond:

        -  Participant will have a physical exam.

        -  Urine will be collected for routine tests.

      During Week 1 of Cycle 3 and beyond, blood (about 4 teaspoons) will be drawn routine tests
      and to test blood clotting, participant's blood fat levels, and their blood sugar levels.

      During Cycles 2, 4, and 6 and then every 3 cycles, participant will have a CT, MRI, or
      positron emission tomography (PET) scan to check the status of the disease.

      Length of Study:

      Participant may continue taking the study drugs for as long as they are benefitting.
      Participant will no longer be able to take the study drugs if the disease gets worse, if
      intolerable side effects occur, if the doctor thinks it is in their best interest, if the
      study is stopped, if they need treatment that is not allowed on this study, or if they are
      unable to follow study directions.

      Patient's participation on the study will be over after the end-of-study visit.

      End of Study Visit:

      Within 30 days of participant's last dose of study drugs:

        -  Participant will have an EKG to check your heart function.

        -  Participant will have a physical exam.

        -  Urine will be collected for routine tests.

        -  Blood (about 3 teaspoons) will be drawn for routine tests and to test blood clotting,
           participant's blood fat levels, and their blood sugar levels.

        -  Participant will have a CT, MRI, or PET scan to check the status of the disease.

      This is an investigational study. Alisertib and TAK-228 are not FDA approved or commercially
      available. They are currently being used for research purposes only.

      The study doctor can explain how the study drugs are designed to work.

      Up to 44 participants will take part in this study. All will be enrolled at MD Anderson.

Trial Arms

Alisertib + TAK-228ExperimentalDose Escalation Phase: Starting dose of Alisertib: 30 mg by mouth 2 times a day on Days 1 - 7 each 21 day cycle. Starting dose of TAK-228: 1 mg by mouth daily Days 3 - 18, with the exception of 2 mg daily Days 3 - 7 and 10 - 14 schedule in a 21 day cycle. Dose Expansion Phase: Alisertib and TAK-228 taken at the maximum tolerated dose from Dose Escalation Phase.
  • Alisertib
  • TAK-228

Eligibility Criteria

        Inclusion Criteria:

          1. Patients with locally advanced or metastatic HPV associate malignancy (cervical,
             vaginal, vulvar, penile, anal or oropharyngeal carcinoma), either refractory to
             standard therapy or for which no effective standard therapy that confers clinical
             benefit is available.

          2. Patients must have measurable disease, as defined by RECIST 1.1.

          3. Male or female patients 18 years or older.

          4. Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status of 0 to 2.

          5. For women: - Postmenopausal for at least 1 year before the screening visit, OR -
             Surgically sterile, OR - If they are of childbearing potential, agree to practice 1
             effective methods of contraception and 1 additional effective (barrier) method, at the
             same time, from the time of signing the informed consent through 90 days (or longer,
             as mandated by local labeling [eg. USPI, SmPC, etc;])after the last dose of study drug
             OR agree to practice true abstinence, when this is in line with the preferred and
             usual lifestyle of the patient (Periodic abstinence [e.g, calendar, ovulation,
             symptothermal, postovulation methods] and withdrawal, spermicides only and lactational
             amenorrhea are not acceptable methods of contraception. Female and male condoms should
             not be used together.)

          6. For men, even if surgically sterilized (ie, status post-vasectomy), they must: - Agree
             to practice highly effective barrier contraception during the entire study treatment
             period and through 120 days after the last dose of study drug, OR agree to practice
             true abstinence, when this is in line with the preferred and usual lifestyle of the
             patient (Periodic abstinence [e.g, calendar, ovulation, symptothermal, postovulation
             methods for the female partner] and withdrawal, spermicides only, and lactational
             amenorrhea are not acceptable methods of contraception. Female and male condoms should
             not be used together.) - Agree not to donate sperm during the course of this study or
             120 days after receiving their last dose of study drug

          7. Screening clinical laboratory values as specified: -Bone marrow reserve consistent
             with: absolute neutrophil count (ANC) >/= 1.5 x 10^9/L; platelet count >/= 100 x
             10^9/L; hemoglobin >/= 9 g/dL without transfusion within 1 week preceding study drug
             administration. -Hepatic: total bilirubin </= 1.5 x upper limit of normal (ULN),
             transaminases (aspartate aminotransferase/serum glutamic oxaloacetic
             transaminase-AST/SGOT and alanine aminotransferase/serum glutamic pyruvic
             transaminase-ALT/SGPT) </= 2.5 x ULN (</= 5 x ULN if liver metastases are present);
             -Renal: creatinine clearance >/=50 mL/min based either on Cockcroft-Gault estimate or
             based on urine collection (12 or 24 hour); -Metabolic: Glycosylated hemoglobin
             (HbA1c)<7.0%, fasting serum glucose (</= 130 mg/dL) and fasting triglycerides </= 300

          8. Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) be at least >/= institutional standard of
             normal as measured by echocardiogram (ECHO) or multiple gated acquisition scan (MUGA)
             within 4 weeks prior to first study drug administration

          9. Ability to swallow oral medications.

         10. Voluntary written consent must be given before performance of any study related
             procedure not part of standard medical care, with the understanding that consent may
             be withdrawn by the patient at any time without prejudice to future medical care.

         11. Patients who have a history of brain metastasis are eligible for the study provided
             that all the following criteria are met:-Brain metastases which have been treated, -No
             evidence of disease progression for >/= 3 months or hemorrhage after treatment,
             -Off-treatment with dexamethasone for 4 weeks before administration of the first
             dosing, -No ongoing requirement for dexamethasone or anti-epileptic drugs

        Exclusion Criteria:

          1. Other clinically significant co-morbidities, such as uncontrolled pulmonary disease,
             active central nervous system disease, active infection, or any other condition that
             could compromise the patient's participation in the study.

          2. Known human immunodeficiency virus infection.

          3. Known hepatitis B (they test positive for the presence of at least one of the
             following three markers in blood (to be evaluated at screening): hepatitis B surface
             antigen (HBsAG), antibodies against hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc), or hepatitis
             B viral load (HBV DNA), or known active hepatitis C infection.

          4. Any serious medical or psychiatric illness that could, in the investigator's opinion,
             potentially interfere with the completion of treatment according to this protocol.

          5. Diagnosed or treated for another malignancy within 2 years before administration of
             the first dose of study drug, or previously diagnosed with another malignancy and have
             any evidence of residual disease. Patients with nonmelanoma skin cancer or carcinoma
             in situ of any type are not excluded if they have undergone complete resection.

          6. Female subject who is pregnant or breast-feeding. Confirmation that the subject is not
             pregnant must be established by a negative serum b-human chorionic gonadotropin
             (b-hCG) pregnancy test result obtained during screening. Pregnancy testing is not
             required for post-menopausal or surgically sterilized women.

          7. Inability or unwillingness to swallow oral medication. Manifestations of malabsorption
             due to prior gastrointestinal (GI) surgery, GI disease, or for an unknown reason that
             may alter the absorption. In addition, patients with enteric stomata are also

          8. Therapy with any investigational products within 21 days before the first dose of
             study drug.

          9. History of any of the following within the last 6 months before administration of the
             first dose of the drug:-Ischemic myocardial event, including angina requiring therapy
             and artery revascularization procedures, -Ischemic cerebrovascular event, including
             transient ischemic attack and artery revascularization procedures, -Requirement for
             inotropic support (excluding digoxin) or serious (uncontrolled) cardiac arrhythmia
             (including atrial flutter/fibrillation, ventricular fibrillation or ventricular
             tachycardia), -Placement of a pacemaker for control of rhythm, -New York Heart
             Association (NYHA) Class III or IV heart failure, -Pulmonary embolism

         10. Significant active cardiovascular or pulmonary disease including: -Uncontrolled
             hypertension (i.e., systolic blood pressure >180 mm Hg, diastolic blood pressure > 95
             mm Hg). Use of anti-hypertensive agents to control hypertension before Cycle1 Day 1 is
             allowed., -Pulmonary hypertension, -Uncontrolled asthma or O2 saturation < 90% by
             arterial blood gas analysis or pulse oximetry on room air, -Significant valvular
             disease; severe regurgitation or stenosis by imaging independent of symptom control
             with medical intervention, or history of valve replacement, -Medically significant
             (symptomatic) bradycardia, -History of arrhythmia requiring an implantable cardiac
             defibrillator, -Baseline prolongation of the rate-corrected QT interval (QTc) (e.g.,
             repeated demonstration of QTc interval > 480 milliseconds, or history of congenital
             long QT syndrome, or torsades de pointes)

         11. Poorly controlled diabetes mellitus defined as glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) > 7% ;
             patients with a history of transient glucose intolerance due to corticosteroid
             administration may be enrolled in this study if all other inclusion/exclusion criteria
             are met.

         12. Treatment with strong inhibitors and/or inducers of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4, CYP2C9
             or CYP2C19 within 1 week preceding the first dose of study drug.

         13. Receipt of corticosteroids within 7 days prior to the first dose of study treatment,
             unless patient has been taking a continuous dose of no more than 15 mg/day of
             prednisone or equivalent for at least 1 month prior to first dose of study treatment.
             Low dose steroid use for the control of nausea and vomiting, topical steroid use and
             inhaled steroids are permitted.

         14. The intermittent use of PPI, H2-antagonists and antacids (including carafate) is only
             allowed within these guidelines: -PPI until D-5 prior to the first dose of alisertib
             and prohibited for the duration of the study, -H2 antagonists until D-1 and after the
             dosing of alisertib is done, -Antacid formulations until 2 hours before dosing and
             after 2 hours following dosing

         15. Radiation therapy to more than 25% of the bone marrow. Whole pelvic radiation is
             considered to be over 25%.

         16. Prior allogeneic bone marrow or organ transplantation.

         17. Systemic infection requiring IV antibiotic therapy within 14 days preceding the first
             dose of study drug, or other severe infection.

         18. Serious medical or psychiatric illness likely to interfere with participation in this
             clinical study. Other severe acute or chronic medical or psychiatric condition,
             including uncontrolled diabetes, malabsorption, resection of the pancreas or upper
             small bowel, requirement for pancreatic enzymes, any condition that would modify small
             bowel absorption of oral medications, or laboratory abnormality that may increase the
             risk associated with study participation or investigational product administration or
             may interfere with the interpretation of study results and, in the judgment of the
             investigator, would make the patient inappropriate for enrollment in this study.

         19. Administration of myeloid growth factors or platelet transfusion within 14 days prior
             to the first dose of study treatment.

         20. Prior administration of an Aurora A kinase-targeted agent, including alisertib

         21. Known history of uncontrolled sleep apnea syndrome and other conditions that could
             result in excessive daytime sleepiness, such as severe chronic obstructive pulmonary
             disease; requirement for supplemental oxygen.

         22. Requirement for constant administration of H2 antagonist.
Maximum Eligible Age:N/A
Minimum Eligible Age:18 Years
Eligible Gender:All
Healthy Volunteers:No

Primary Outcome Measures

Measure:Maximum Tolerated Dose (MTD) of Alisertib and TAK-228 in Participants with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Associated Malignancies
Time Frame:21 days
Safety Issue:
Description:Maximum tolerated dose (MTD) defined by dose limiting toxicities (DLTs) that occur within the initial cycle (21 days).

Secondary Outcome Measures

Measure:Clinical Benefit of Alisertib and TAK-228 in Participants with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Associated Malignancies
Time Frame:6 months
Safety Issue:
Description:Clinical benefit categorized by RECIST 1.1.


Phase:Phase 1
Primary Purpose:Interventional
Overall Status:Withdrawn
Lead Sponsor:M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

Trial Keywords

  • Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs
  • Malignant neoplasms of female genital organs
  • Malignant neoplasms of lip oral cavity and pharynx
  • Malignant neoplasms of male genital organs
  • Human papilloma virus associated malignancies
  • HPV
  • Alisertib
  • MLN8237
  • TAK-228
  • MLN0128

Last Updated

March 27, 2017