Clinical Trials /

Study in Subjects With Small Primary Choroidal Melanoma



The primary objective is to assess the safety, immunogenicity and efficacy of one of three dose levels and repeat dose regimens of Light-activated AU-011 and one or two laser applications for the treatment of subjects with primary choroidal melanoma.

Related Conditions:
  • Choroid Melanoma
Recruiting Status:



Phase 1/Phase 2

Trial Eligibility



  • Brief Title: Study in Subjects With Small Primary Choroidal Melanoma
  • Official Title: A Phase 1B/2 Open-Label, Ascending Single and Repeat Dose Clinical Trial Designed to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Light-activated AU-011 for the Treatment of Subjects With Small Primary Choroidal Melanoma

Clinical Trial IDs

  • ORG STUDY ID: AU-011-101
  • NCT ID: NCT03052127


  • Uveal Melanoma
  • Ocular Melanoma
  • Choroidal Melanoma


Light-activated AU-0112 Cycles of 3 Repeat High Dose Light-activated AU-011x2 lasers


The primary objective is to assess the safety, immunogenicity and efficacy of one of three dose levels and repeat dose regimens of Light-activated AU-011 and one or two laser applications for the treatment of subjects with primary choroidal melanoma.

Detailed Description

      This is a phase 1B/2 open-label, ascending single and repeat dose clinical trial designed to
      evaluate the safety and efficacy of Light-activated AU-011 for the treatment of subjects with
      small primary choroidal melanoma.

      Throughout the study, subjects will be monitored through medical and ophthalmic assessments.
      Subjects will be followed for a total of 2 years.

Trial Arms

Single Low Dose Light-activated AU-011ExperimentalLow dose Light-activated AU-011 followed by a single laser light application
  • Light-activated AU-011
Single Medium Dose Light-activated AU-011ExperimentalMedium dose Light-activated AU-011 followed by a single laser light application
  • Light-activated AU-011
Single High Dose Light-activated AU-011ExperimentalHigh dose Light-activated AU-011 followed by a single laser light application
  • Light-activated AU-011
2 Repeat Medium Dose Light-activated AU-011Experimental2 repeat medium doses of Light-activated AU-011 each followed by a single laser light application
  • Light-activated AU-011
3 Repeat Medium Dose Light-activated AU-011Experimental3 repeat medium doses of Light-activated AU-011 followed by a single laser light application
  • Light-activated AU-011
Single High Dose Light-activated AU-011 x 2 lasersExperimentalHigh dose Light-activated AU-011 followed by two laser light applications
  • Light-activated AU-011
3 Repeat High Dose Light-activated AU-011Experimental3 repeat high doses of Light-activated AU-011 each followed by a single laser light application
  • Light-activated AU-011
3 Repeat High Dose Light-activated AU-011 x 2 lasersExperimental3 repeat high doses of Light-activated AU-011 each followed by two laser light applications
  • Light-activated AU-011
Expansion 3 Repeat High Dose Light-activated AU-011 x 2 lasersExperimentalExpansion of 3 repeat high doses of Light-activated AU-011 each followed by two laser light applications (up to 12 additional subjects)
  • Light-activated AU-011
Observation until Documented Growth of TumorExperimentalObservation until documented growth of tumor and then treatment with 2 cycles each of 3 repeat high doses of Light-activated AU-011 each followed by two laser light applications
  • Light-activated AU-011
2 Cycles of 3 Repeat High Dose Light-activated AU-011x2 lasersExperimental2 cycles each of 3 repeat high doses of Light-activated AU-011 each followed by two laser light applications
  • Light-activated AU-011
Exp: 2 Cycles 3 Repeat High Dose Light-activatedAU-011x2lasersExperimental2 cycles each of 3 repeat high doses of Light-activated AU-011 each followed by two laser light applications in subjects with evidence of documented tumor growth prior to study entry
  • Light-activated AU-011

Eligibility Criteria

        Inclusion Criteria:

          -  Diagnosis of choroidal melanoma

        Exclusion Criteria:

          -  Have known contraindications or sensitivities to the study drug
Maximum Eligible Age:N/A
Minimum Eligible Age:18 Years
Eligible Gender:All
Healthy Volunteers:No

Primary Outcome Measures

Measure:Incidence of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events [Safety and Tolerability] of Light-activated AU-011
Time Frame:Informed consent through 2 years
Safety Issue:
Description:Adverse events will be summarized by presenting the number and percentage of patients having any adverse event.

Secondary Outcome Measures

Time Frame:Screening to various time points through Week 52
Safety Issue:
Description:Anti-Drug Antibody analysis
Measure:Tumor size (thickness) measured by ultrasonography [Efficacy]
Time Frame:Change from baseline at 3 months following treatment and at each subsequent visit through study completion (2 years)
Safety Issue:
Description:Tumor size (thickness) measured by ultrasonography (millimeters)
Measure:Tumor size (diameter) measured by fundus photography [Efficacy]
Time Frame:Change from baseline at 3 months following treatment and at each subsequent visit through study completion (2 years)
Safety Issue:
Description:Tumor size (diameter) measured by fundus photography (millimeters)
Measure:Best Corrected Visual Acuity measured by ETDRS Method [Efficacy]
Time Frame:Change from baseline at 3 months following treatment and at each subsequent visit through study completion (2 years)
Safety Issue:
Description:Changes in ETDRS best corrected visual acuity (BCVA)


Phase:Phase 1/Phase 2
Primary Purpose:Interventional
Overall Status:Completed
Lead Sponsor:Aura Biosciences

Trial Keywords

  • Uveal melanoma
  • Eye cancer
  • Ocular melanoma
  • Choroidal melanoma

Last Updated

August 12, 2021