Clinical Trials /

Dose Escalation and Dose Expansion Study of GSK525762 in Combination With Androgen Deprivation Therapy in Participants With Castrate-resistant Prostate Cancer



This study aims to evaluate the combination of GSK525762 with other agents that have been shown to be effective in the treatment of CRPC or metastatic (m)CRPC. This study is designed to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and recommended Phase II dose (RP2D) based on safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetic, and efficacy profiles of GSK525762 in combination with either abiraterone (Arm A) or enzalutamide (Arm B).

Related Conditions:
  • Prostate Adenocarcinoma
Recruiting Status:

Active, not recruiting


Phase 1

Trial Eligibility



  • Brief Title: Dose Escalation and Dose Expansion Study of GSK525762 in Combination With Androgen Deprivation Therapy in Participants With Castrate-resistant Prostate Cancer
  • Official Title: A Phase IB Open-label, Dose Escalation and Expansion Study to Investigate the Safety, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Clinical Activity of GSK525762 in Combination With Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Other Agents in Subjects With Castrate-resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC)

Clinical Trial IDs

  • ORG STUDY ID: 204697
  • SECONDARY ID: 2016-003416-13
  • NCT ID: NCT03150056


  • Solid Tumours


GSK525762GSK525762 + Abiraterone (+ Prednisone) (Arm A)
AbirateroneGSK525762 + Abiraterone (+ Prednisone) (Arm A)
EnzalutamideGSK525762 + Enzalutamide (Arm B)
PrednisoneGSK525762 + Abiraterone (+ Prednisone) (Arm A)


This study aims to evaluate the combination of GSK525762 with other agents that have been shown to be effective in the treatment of CRPC or metastatic (m)CRPC. This study is designed to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and recommended Phase II dose (RP2D) based on safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetic, and efficacy profiles of GSK525762 in combination with either abiraterone (Arm A) or enzalutamide (Arm B).

Trial Arms

GSK525762 + Abiraterone (+ Prednisone) (Arm A)Experimental
  • GSK525762
  • Abiraterone
  • Prednisone
GSK525762 + Enzalutamide (Arm B)Experimental
  • GSK525762
  • Enzalutamide

Eligibility Criteria

        Inclusion Criteria:

          -  Written informed consent provided.

          -  Males >=18 years of age (at the time written consent is obtained for screening).

          -  Histologically confirmed adenocarcinoma of the prostate: screening and on-treatment
             biopsy is mandatory. If adequate number of paired biopsy samples are collected (>=20
             paired samples for each dose level in each Arm, unless an Arm is closed early), then
             further biopsy sampling will be considered based on available data; screening biopsy
             can be waived if participant had a recent biopsy after failure of the most recent
             therapy (within 30 days) and the biopsy sample is secured to be sent as screening
             biopsy for this study.

          -  Surgically or medically castrated, with testosterone levels of less than or equal to
             (<=)50 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) (<2.0 nanometer [nM]). If the participant is
             being treated with luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonists/antagonists
             (participant who have not undergone orchiectomy) this therapy must have been initiated
             at least 4 weeks prior to Week 1 Day 1 and must be continued throughout the study.

          -  Participants must have failed prior therapy with abiraterone, enzalutamide, or both:

               1. Has completed at least 12 weeks of prior continuous therapy with abiraterone or
                  enzalutamide in any prior line.

               2. Lead-in dosing period for enzalutamide only will be required under the following

             (i) If the participant has enzalutamide discontinuation for >7 days prior to dosing
             start with GSK525762 plus enzalutamide on trial, then a enzalutamide only lead-in
             dosing of 28 days is required.

        (ii) If the participant has enzalutamide discontinuation for <=7 days prior to dosing start
        with GSK525762 plus enzalutamide on trial, then an enzalutamide only lead-in dosing of 14
        days is required.

        (iii) If the participant is on continuous dosing with enzalutamide prior to dosing start
        with GSK525762 plus enzalutamide on trial, then participant can start on combined dosing at
        end of screening period.

        (c) Lead-in dosing period for abiraterone only will be required: if the participant has
        abiraterone discontinuation for more than 3 days prior to dosing start with GSK525762 plus
        abiraterone on trial, then abiraterone only lead-in dosing of 7 days is required.

          -  One to two line(s) of prior taxane-based chemotherapy allowed. If docetaxel
             chemotherapy is used more than once, this will be considered as one regimen.
             Participants who have not received prior chemotherapy in any setting will qualify for
             study if they are ineligible for or refuse chemotherapy.

          -  Documented prostate cancer progression as assessed by the investigator with one of the

               1. PSA progression defined by a minimum of 3 rising PSA levels with an interval of
                  >=1 week between each determination. The PSA value at screening must be >=5
                  microgram (µg)/Liter (L) (5 ng/mL) if PSA is the only indication of progression;
                  participants on systemic glucocorticoids for control of symptoms must have
                  documented PSA progression by PCWG3 while on systemic glucocorticoids prior to
                  commencing Week 1 Day 1 treatment.

               2. Radiographic progression of soft tissue disease by PCWG3-modified RECIST 1.1
                  criteria or bone metastasis with 2 or more documented new bone lesions on a bone
                  scan with or without PSA progression.

          -  ECOG performance status of 0 or 1.

          -  Life expectancy >12 weeks.

          -  Able to swallow and retain orally administered medication.

          -  Must have adequate organ function.

          -  Male participants are eligible to participate if they agree to use contraceptive

        Exclusion Criteria:

          -  Surgery or local prostatic intervention (excluding a prostatic biopsy) less than 28
             days of Week 1 Day 1.

          -  Participants with neuroendocrine and/or small cell CRPC.

          -  Recent prior therapy, defined as:

               1. Any investigational or approved non-biologic anti-cancer drug within 14 days
                  prior to the first dose of GSK525762 and abiraterone/enzalutamide.

               2. Any nitrosoureas or mitomycin C within 42 days prior to the first dose of
                  GSK525762 and abiraterone/enzalutamide.

               3. Any anti-cancer biologic agents within five half-lives prior to the first dose of
                  GSK525762 and abiraterone/enzalutamide.

               4. If the participant received radiotherapy <90 days prior to study treatment, the
                  irradiated lesion cannot be the only lesion used for evaluating response.

               5. Any major surgery within 28 days prior to the first dose of GSK525762 and

          -  Evidence of severe or uncontrolled systemic diseases (e.g., unstable or uncompensated
             respiratory, hepatic, renal, cardiac disease, or clinically significant bleeding
             episodes). Any serious and/or unstable pre-existing medical (aside from malignancy),
             psychiatric disorder, or other conditions that could interfere with participant's
             safety, obtaining informed consent or compliance to the study procedures, in the
             opinion of the Investigator; systolic blood pressure higher than 150 millimeter of
             mercury (mmHg) or diastolic blood pressure higher than 90 mmHg found on 2 separate
             occasions separated by 1 week, despite adequate therapy, will be defined as
             uncontrolled hypertension; uncontrolled diabetes mellitus (despite therapeutic,
             compliance intervention) as defined by a hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) level more than 8%
             and/or occurrence of more than 2 episodes of ketoacidosis in the 12 months prior to
             the first dose of study drug.

          -  Cardiac abnormalities as evidenced by any of the following:

               1. Baseline QT interval corrected for heart rate by Fridericia's formula (QTcF)
                  interval >=480 milliseconds (msec).

               2. Clinically significant conduction abnormalities or arrhythmias, such as
                  participants with second degree (Type II) or third degree atrio-ventricular

               3. History or evidence of current >=Class II congestive heart failure as defined by
                  New York Heart Association (NYHA).

               4. History of acute coronary syndromes (including unstable angina and myocardial
                  infarction), coronary angioplasty, or stenting within the past 3 months.
                  Participants with a history of stent placement requiring ongoing anti-coagulant
                  therapy (e.g., clopidogrel, prasugrel) will not be permitted to enroll.

               5. Known cardiac metastasis.

          -  Participants with history of known bleeding disorder(s) or history of clinically
             significant hemorrhage (e.g., gastrointestinal, neurologic), within the past 6 months.

          -  Therapeutic-dose anticoagulation (e.g., warfarin, low-molecular weight heparin [LMWH],
             or novel oral anticoagulants) must be discontinued and coagulation parameters must be
             normalized prior to the first dose of GSK525762 and abiraterone/enzalutimide.
             Prophylactic anticoagulation, with low doses (per standard practice) of agents such as
             LMWH, direct thrombin inhibitors, or factor Xa inhibitors is permitted.

          -  Concurrent use of high dose aspirin (doses up to 81 milligrams (mg) oral dose daily
             allowed, or 100 mg, as per country standards) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
             drugs (NSAIDS), except for where NSAIDs provide documented benefit over other
             analgesics, and then to be used with caution including concomitant use of proton pump

          -  Any acute toxicities due to prior chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy that have not
             resolved to a National Cancer Institute-Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events
             (NCI-CTCAE) version 4.0 grade <=1 with the exception of chemotherapy induced alopecia
             and grade 2 peripheral neuropathy.

          -  The participant has an active second malignancy other than curatively resected basal
             cell or squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, in situ carcinoma of the bladder, or
             other cancers for which they are treated with curative intent with no active disease
             in the 3 years prior to enrollment.

          -  Participants with known symptomatic brain metastasis are not suitable for enrolment.
             Participants with asymptomatic, stable, treated brain metastases are eligible for
             study entry.

          -  History of seizure within 6 months of study treatment initiation or any condition that
             may predispose participant to seizure (e.g., prior cortical stroke or significant
             brain trauma) or who are currently being treated with cytochrome P450 enzyme inducing
             anti-epileptic drugs for seizures (use of anti-epileptic drugs to control pain is
             allowed in participants not suffering from seizures unless drug is excluded due to
             Cytochrome (CY)P3A4 induction - phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenobarbital).

          -  History of loss of consciousness or transient ischemic attack within 12 months prior
             to enrollment.

          -  Participants with symptomatic or impending cord compression unless appropriately
             treated beforehand and clinically stable and asymptomatic.

          -  Current use of a prohibited medication or planned use of any forbidden medications
             during treatment with GSK525762 and abiraterone/enzalutamide. This includes
             medications that are potent inducers or inhibitors of CYP3A4 enzymes or strong
             inhibitors of CYP2C8.

          -  Participants with gastrointestinal disorders likely to interfere with absorption of
             the study medication.

          -  Participants with known bleeding diathesis.

          -  Current active liver or biliary disease (with the exception of Gilbert's syndrome or
             asymptomatic gallstones, liver metastases or otherwise stable chronic liver disease
             per investigator assessment).

          -  Initiating bisphosphonate or denosumab therapy or adjusting dose/regimen within 3
             months prior to Week 1 Day 1. Participants on a stable bisphosphonate or denosumab
             therapy are eligible and may continue.

          -  Any serious known immediate or delayed hypersensitivity reaction to GSK525762 or
             idiosyncrasy to drugs chemically related to the investigational drugs. Additionally,
             any known hypersensitivity to either enzalutamide, abiraterone or any excipients would
             be excluded.

          -  Known history of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

          -  Presence of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) or positive hepatitis C antibody test
             result at screening.
Maximum Eligible Age:N/A
Minimum Eligible Age:18 Years
Eligible Gender:Male
Healthy Volunteers:No

Primary Outcome Measures

Measure:Number of Participants With Any Adverse Events (AEs) and Serious Adverse Events (SAEs)
Time Frame:Up to 21.3 months
Safety Issue:
Description:An AE is any untoward medical occurrence in a participant or clinical investigation participant, temporally associated with the use of a medicinal product, whether or not considered related to the medicinal product. An SAE is defined as any untoward medical occurrence that, at any dose: results in death, is life-threatening, requires hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization, results in disability/incapacity, is a congenital anomaly/birth defect, any other situation according to medical or scientific judgement, or is associated with liver injury and impaired liver function.

Secondary Outcome Measures

Measure:Maximum Observed Plasma Concentration (Cmax) of GSK525762 and Its Active Metabolites GSK3529246
Time Frame:Day 1: Pre-dose, 30 minutes, 1, 3, 6 to 12, 24 hours post-dose on Weeks 1 and 3
Safety Issue:
Description:Blood samples were collected at indicated time points for pharmacokinetic (PK) analysis of GSK525762 and GSK3529246 (metabolite of GSK525762). PK parameters were calculated using standard non-compartmental analysis. PK Population consisted of all participants from the All Treated Safety Population for whom a PK sample was obtained and analyzed.
Measure:Time to Cmax (Tmax) of GSK525762 and Its Active Metabolites GSK3529246
Time Frame:Day 1: Pre-dose, 30 minutes, 1, 3, 6 to 12, 24 hours post-dose on Weeks 1 and 3
Safety Issue:
Description:Blood samples were collected at indicated time points for PK analysis of GSK525762 and GSK3529246 (metabolite of GSK525762). PK parameters were calculated using standard non-compartmental analysis.
Measure:Area Under the Plasma Concentration-time Curve From Time Zero to the End of the Dosing Interval (AUC[0-tau]) of GSK525762 and Its Active Metabolites GSK3529246
Time Frame:Day 1: Pre-dose, 30 minutes, 1, 3, 6 to 12, 24 hours post-dose on Weeks 1 and 3
Safety Issue:
Description:Blood samples were collected at indicated time points for PK analysis of GSK525762 and GSK3529246 (metabolite of GSK525762). PK parameters were calculated using standard non-compartmental analysis.
Measure:Trough Concentration (Ctrough) of GSK525762 and Its Active Metabolites GSK3529246
Time Frame:Day 1: Pre-dose, 30 minutes, 1, 3, 6 to 12, 24 hours post-dose on Weeks 1 and 3
Safety Issue:
Description:Blood samples were collected at indicated time points for PK analysis of GSK525762 and GSK3529246 (metabolite of GSK525762). PK parameters were calculated using standard non-compartmental analysis.
Measure:Cmax of Abiraterone
Time Frame:Day 1: Pre-dose, 30 minutes, 1, 3, 6 to 12, 24 hours post-dose on Weeks 1 and 3
Safety Issue:
Description:Blood samples were collected at indicated time points for PK analysis of abiraterone. PK parameters were calculated using standard non-compartmental analysis.
Measure:Tmax of Abiraterone
Time Frame:Day 1: Pre-dose, 30 minutes, 1, 3, 6 to 12, 24 hours post-dose on Weeks 1 and 3
Safety Issue:
Description:Blood samples were collected at indicated time points for PK analysis of abiraterone. PK parameters were calculated using standard non-compartmental analysis.
Measure:AUC(0-tau) of Abiraterone
Time Frame:Day 1: Pre-dose, 30 minutes, 1, 3, 6 to 12, 24 hours post-dose on Weeks 1 and 3
Safety Issue:
Description:Blood samples were collected at indicated time points for PK analysis of abiraterone. PK parameters were calculated using standard non-compartmental analysis.
Measure:Ctrough of Abiraterone
Time Frame:Day 1: Pre-dose, 30 minutes, 1, 3, 6 to 12, 24 hours post-dose on Weeks 1 and 3
Safety Issue:
Description:Blood samples were collected at indicated time points for PK analysis of abiraterone. PK parameters were calculated using standard non-compartmental analysis.
Measure:Cmax of Enzalutamide
Time Frame:Day 1: Pre-dose on Weeks 1, 3, 5, 9, 17 and 25
Safety Issue:
Description:Blood samples were collected at indicated time points for PK analysis of enzalutamide. PK parameters were calculated using standard non-compartmental analysis.
Measure:Tmax of Enzalutamide
Time Frame:Day 1: Pre-dose on Weeks 1, 3, 5, 9, 17 and 25
Safety Issue:
Description:Blood samples were collected at indicated time points for PK analysis of enzalutamide. PK parameters were calculated using standard non-compartmental analysis.
Measure:AUC(0-tau) of Enzalutamide
Time Frame:Day 1: Pre-dose on Weeks 1, 3, 5, 9, 17 and 25
Safety Issue:
Description:Blood samples were collected at indicated time points for PK analysis of enzalutamide. PK parameters were calculated using standard non-compartmental analysis.
Measure:Ctrough of Enzalutamide
Time Frame:Day 1: Pre-dose on Weeks 1, 3, 5, 9, 17 and 25
Safety Issue:
Description:Blood samples were collected at indicated time points for PK analysis of enzalutamide. PK parameters were calculated using standard non-compartmental analysis.
Measure:Disease Control Rate at Week 24
Time Frame:Week 24
Safety Issue:
Description:Disease control rate (DCR) is defined as the percentage of participants with >=1 post-Baseline disease assessment who showed either a confirmed complete response (CR), partial response (PR) or stable disease (SD) observed at >=24 weeks per prostate cancer working group 3 (PCWG3)-modified Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) version 1.1; where CR: disappearance of all target lesions. Any pathological lymph nodes must be <10 millimeter in the short axis; PR: At least a 30% decrease in the sum of the diameters of target lesions, taking as a reference, the Baseline sum of the diameters; SD: Neither sufficient shrinkage to qualify for PR nor sufficient increase to qualify for progressive diseases. Confidence interval (CI) was computed using exact two sided 95% CI.
Measure:Composite Response Rate
Time Frame:Up to 21.3 months
Safety Issue:
Description:Composite response rate was defined as the percentage of participants with one of the following: a) Response based on PCWG3-modified RECIST version 1.1, b) PSA decrease of >=50% from Baseline at Week 12 and thereafter, or c) Circulating Tumor-cell Count Conversion from unfavorable (>=5/7.5 milliliter [mL]) at Baseline to favorable (<5/7.5 mL) confirmed by a second assessment at least 4 weeks later. If a participant met at least one of the above requirements, then that participant was considered a composite responder. CI was computed using exact two sided 95% CI.
Measure:Objective Response Rate
Time Frame:Up to 21.3 months
Safety Issue:
Description:Objective response rate (ORR) is defined as the percentage of participants with a confirmed CR or PR at any time as per PCWG3-modified RECIST version 1.1; where CR: Disappearance of all target lesions. Any pathological lymph nodes must be <10 millimeter (mm) in the short axis and PR: At least a 30% decrease in the sum of the diameters of target lesions, taking as a reference, the Baseline sum of the diameters.
Measure:Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC) Response Rate
Time Frame:Up to 21.3 months
Safety Issue:
Description:CTC response rate is defined as the percentage of participants with a CTC conversion to <5/7.5 mL blood at nadir (confirmed by a second consecutive value obtained four or more weeks later) for participants with unfavourable CTC (>=5/7.5 mL) at Baseline. CI was computed using exact two sided 95% CI.
Measure:Prostate-specific Antigen (PSA) Response Rate at Week 4
Time Frame:Week 4
Safety Issue:
Description:PSA Response Rate is defined as percentage of participants achieving >=30% decrease from Baseline PSA after 4 weeks of study treatment. The CI was calculated using exact two sided 95% CI for the percentage of participants with Baseline PSA values who show >=30% reduction in PSA at >=4 weeks post-Baseline.
Measure:Time to Disease Progression
Time Frame:Up to 21.3 months
Safety Issue:
Description:Time to disease progression is defined as the time from date of first dose of study treatment to date of disease progression defined as one or more of the following criteria: 1. Radiographic progression by PCWG3-modified RECIST version 1.1 for participants with measurable disease, 2. Bone progression on bone scan according to the PCGW3 criteria, 3. PSA progression according to the PCWG3 criteria accompanied by any one of the following: investigator-defined clinical progression or either of the above RECIST version 1.1 radiographic progression or bone progression.
Measure:Radiographic Progression-free Survival (rPFS)
Time Frame:Up to 21.3 montths
Safety Issue:
Description:rPFS is defined as the time from study treatment start until the first date of either disease progression or death due to any cause. The date of disease progression is defined as the earliest date of disease progression as assessed by the investigator using PCWG3-modified RECIST, version 1.1 or progression on bone scan. Progressive disease is defined as at least a 20% increase in the sum of the diameters of target lesions, taking as a reference, the smallest sum of diameters recorded since the treatment started.
Measure:Number of Participants With Worst-Case Post Baseline Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Performance Status
Time Frame:Up to 21.3 months
Safety Issue:
Description:Performance status assessments were based on 6-point ECOG scale (from 0 to 5), where 0=fully active, able to carry on all pre-disease performance without restriction; 1=restricted in physically strenuous activity but ambulatory and able to carry out work of a light or sedentary nature (e.g., light house work, office work); 2=ambulatory and capable of all self-care but unable to carry out any work activities, up and about more than 50% of waking hours; 3=capable of only limited self-care, confined to bed or chair more than 50% of waking hours; 4=completely disabled, cannot carry on any self-care, totally confined to bed or chair; and 5=dead. Data for worst case post-Baseline is presented.
Measure:Change From Baseline in European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core-30 (EORTC QLQ-C30): Global Health Status (GHS)
Time Frame:Baseline (up to Week 1 Day 1, pre-dose) and at Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37, 41, 45, 49, 61 on Day 1
Safety Issue:
Description:EORTC QLQ-C30 includes 30-items with single and multi-item scales. These included 5 functional scales (physical functioning, role functioning, cognitive functioning, emotional functioning and social functioning, 3 symptom scales (fatigue, pain and nausea/vomiting), a GHS/ Quality-of-Life (QoL) scale, and six single items (constipation, diarrhea, insomnia, dyspnea, appetite loss and financial difficulties). Response options for GHS/QoL range from 1 to 4, where 1=not at all and 4=very much. Scores were averaged and transformed to a 0 to 100 scale, with higher scores representing a high QoL. Baseline is defined as the latest non-missing assessment time-point prior to the first study treatment dose. Change from Baseline was calculated as post-Baseline visit value minus Baseline value.
Measure:Change From Baseline in Brief Pain Inventory - Short Form (BPI-SF): Pain Intensity- Pain at Worst in Last 24 Hours
Time Frame:Baseline (up to pre-dose on Week 1 Day 1) and at Weeks 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37, 41, 45, 49, 61, 73, 85, 97 on Day 1
Safety Issue:
Description:BPI-SF is 9-item self-administered questionnaire. Pain intensity score was calculated from the four items (items 3, 4, 5 and 6) for worst pain, least pain, average pain and current pain. Worst pain in last 24 hours was rated from 0 (no pain) to 10 (pain as bad as you can imagine). Baseline is defined as the latest non-missing assessment time-point prior to the first study treatment dose (latest up to Week 1 Day 1). Change from Baseline was calculated as post-Baseline visit value minus Baseline value.


Phase:Phase 1
Primary Purpose:Interventional
Overall Status:Active, not recruiting
Lead Sponsor:GlaxoSmithKline

Trial Keywords

  • Abiraterone
  • Castrate-resistant prostate cancer
  • Androgen receptor targeted therapy
  • RP2D
  • Enzalutamide
  • GSK525762

Last Updated

August 26, 2021