Clinical Trials /

A Study of Melphalan, BCNU, Vitamin B12b, Vitamin C, and Stem Cell Infusion in People With Advanced Pancreatic Cancer and BRCA Mutations



The clinical trial is a phase 1, single-arm trial that will evaluate the safety of the investigational treatment on pancreatic cancer in patients who have an inherited, deleterious BRCA1 or BRCA2 genetic alteration. The investigational treatment will involve 2 cycles of a combination of intravenous melphalan, BCNU, low-dose I.V. ethanol, vitamin B12b, and vitamin C in association with autologous hematopoietic stem cell infusion. A dose-escalation schedule will be employed for vitamin C

Related Conditions:
  • Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
Recruiting Status:



Phase 1

Trial Eligibility



  • Brief Title: A Study of Melphalan, BCNU, Vitamin B12b, Vitamin C, and Stem Cell Infusion in People With Advanced Pancreatic Cancer and BRCA Mutations
  • Official Title: A Phase 1 Trial of Melphalan, BCNU, Hydroxocobalamin, Ascorbic Acid, and Autologous Bone Marrow Stem Cell Infusion in Patients With Pancreatic Cancer and an Inherited BRCA1 or BRCA2 Mutation

Clinical Trial IDs

  • NCT ID: NCT04150042


  • Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Metastatic
  • BRCA1 Mutation
  • BRCA2 Mutation


MelphalanChemotherapy/stem cell treatment
BCNUCarmustineChemotherapy/stem cell treatment
Vitamin B12BHydroxocobalaminChemotherapy/stem cell treatment
Vitamin CAscorbic acid, sodium ascorbateChemotherapy/stem cell treatment
EthanolChemotherapy/stem cell treatment


The clinical trial is a phase 1, single-arm trial that will evaluate the safety of the investigational treatment on pancreatic cancer in patients who have an inherited, deleterious BRCA1 or BRCA2 genetic alteration. The investigational treatment will involve 2 cycles of a combination of intravenous melphalan, BCNU, low-dose I.V. ethanol, vitamin B12b, and vitamin C in association with autologous hematopoietic stem cell infusion. A dose-escalation schedule will be employed for vitamin C

Detailed Description

      In the current clinical trial, participants with BRCA-related metastatic pancreatic cancer
      will receive a combination of melphalan, BCNU, low-dose ethanol, vitamin B12b, and vitamin C
      in conjunction with autologous stem cell infusion. The drug combination is designed to
      address multiple mechanisms of melphalan resistance. The purpose of the ethanol is the
      protection of RBC catalase activity.

      Investigational Treatment Description:

        -  Hematopoietic Stem Cell Collection

             1. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, and if needed Plerixafor, will be used to
                mobilize bone marrow stem cells, which will be collected by apheresis.

             2. At least 2 bags of CD34+ cells, each containing at least 2 × 10^6 cells/kg, will be
                prepared and stored.

             3. Mobilization of hematopoietic stem cells will only occur prior to the first cycle
                of investigational therapy.

             4. If there is not a sufficient mobilization of stem cells for at least 2 cycles of
                chemotherapy, then no investigational drugs will be given.

        -  Investigational Drug Therapy and Stem Cell Infusion

             1. All subjects will receive two cycles of investigational drug therapy with stem cell
                infusion unless precluded by adverse reactions.

             2. Subjects will receive on day -2:

                  1. Melphalan (100 mg/m^2 I.V.).

                  2. BCNU (150 mg/m^2 I.V.).

                  3. Vitamin B12b (1450 mg/m^2 I.V.).

                  4. Vitamin C (a dose-escalation schedule will be employed beginning with 3 g/m^2
                     I.V. and escalating to a maximum of 8 g/m^2 I.V.).

                  5. Ethanol (3.5 g/m^2 I.V. as cosolvent with the BCNU infusion, followed by 0.5
                     g/h I.V. for 23 h).

             3. On day 0, at least 2 × 10^6 CD34+ cells/kg will be infused as per the institution's
                standard procedures.

             4. Subjects will receive supportive care as per the institution's standard procedures
                before, during, and after the investigational drug therapy and stem cell infusion.

        -  Additional Cycles a. Subjects will receive a second cycle of the investigational
           treatment described immediately above in "Investigational Drug Therapy and Stem Cell
           Infusion," with an interval of approximately 6 weeks between cycles.

Trial Arms

Chemotherapy/stem cell treatmentExperimental
  • Melphalan
  • BCNU
  • Vitamin B12B
  • Vitamin C
  • Ethanol

Eligibility Criteria

        Inclusion Criteria

          -  18 years ≤ age < 71.

          -  Expected survival time ≥ 6 months.

          -  Life expectancy not severely limited by diseases other than malignancy.

          -  Karnofsky score ≥ 60%

          -  Potential subjects must have an inherited BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation (or both), confirmed
             by Myriad's BRACAnalysis CDx test, and the mutation must be known to be deleterious or
             suspected to cause functional impairment.

          -  Pathologically confirmed ductal adenocarcinoma.

          -  Stage IV (based on AJCC staging guidelines) at the time of enrollment.

             a. Note that potential subjects with stage IV cancer that have had a complete response
             from prior chemotherapy are still potentially eligible.

          -  Absence of malignant ascites.

          -  The estimated volume of metastatic tumor burden (not taking into account lymph node
             lesions or the primary tumor) based on CT imaging must be ≤ 20 ml (with a margin of
             error of +25% or +5 ml) as assessed by the core imaging laboratory.

               1. The following steps will be used to calculate the volume of each metastasis
                  (other than lymph node lesions):

                    1. Measure the metastasis in 3-D and determine the maximum transverse diameter
                       (L), perpendicular diameter (W), and craniocaudal height (H).

                    2. Apply the formula for the volume of an ellipsoid, V = L x W x H x 0.52.

               2. The estimated volume of metastatic tumor burden will be the sum of those
                  estimated volumes.

          -  Prior treatment with a platinum-based therapy is required with (1) no evidence of
             disease progression and (2) objective evidence of a response by at least one of the

               1. Normalization or a confirmed decrease in an elevated tumor marker of ≥ 50%.

               2. A partial or complete response by RECIST version 1.1 criteria.

               3. Pathological evidence of a response (Evans Grade III or IV or College of American
                  Pathologists Grade 0 or 1).

          -  Except for subsequent treatment with PARP inhibitors, the platinum-based therapy must
             be the last chemotherapy received by the subject.

          -  No chemotherapy within 3 weeks of enrollment.

          -  If a potential subject has had surgical resection of the primary tumor, then that
             potential subject must be at least 28 days post-op with the surgical wounds healed and
             significant complications resolved.

          -  No evidence of disease progression between the time of surgical resection of the
             primary tumor and screening for enrollment if the patient is seeking enrollment in the
             immediate post-surgery period.

          -  Prior surgical resection of the primary tumor is allowed but not required.

          -  Independent histological confirmation of the primary cancer diagnosis is required.

          -  Metastatic disease must be histologically or cytologically confirmed unless in the
             clinical judgment of the principal investigator a biopsy is not needed for diagnostic

          -  Female participants of childbearing potential must agree to do one of the following
             from the time of signing of the informed consent through 6 months after the last dose
             of melphalan:

               1. Simultaneously practice two effective barrier methods of contraception. Oral and
                  injectable contraceptives are not allowed. Barrier methods of birth control
                  (e.g., diaphragm and spermicide, or condom and spermicide) are required.

               2. Practice true abstinence when this is in line with the preferred and usual
                  lifestyle of the subject. Periodic abstinence (e.g., calendar, ovulation,
                  symptothermal, post-ovulation methods, and withdrawal) are not acceptable methods
                  of contraception.

          -  Male participants:

             a. Unless the male is in a monogamous relationship with a female that does not have
             child-bearing potential, male subjects (even if surgically sterilized) must agree to
             do one of the following from the time of signing of the informed consent through 6
             months after the last dose of melphalan:

               1. Practice effective barrier contraception, plus a second method of effective

               2. Practice true abstinence when this is in line with the preferred and usual
                  lifestyle of the subject. Periodic abstinence (e.g., calendar, ovulation,
                  symptothermal, post-ovulation methods, and withdrawal) are not acceptable methods
                  of contraception.

          -  Competency to comprehend, sign, and date informed consent forms.

             a. A potential subject's legally authorized representative is not allowed to provide
             informed consent for this trial.

          -  Signature of an IRB-approved informed consent for enrollment.

          -  Agreement and ability to comply with the study visit schedule and other protocol

          -  Agreement to provide copies of complete medical records.

        Exclusion Criteria

          -  Biliary tract obstruction.

          -  Biliary stenting.

          -  Portal hypertension.

          -  Sinistral portal hypertension.

          -  History of cholangitis related to the pancreatic cancer.

          -  The presence of extensive metastatic spread (e.g., miliary lung disease with a large
             number of 1-4 mm lung metastatic lesions).

          -  Malignant ascites or malignant pleural effusion.

          -  Metastatic lesion to the heart or eye.

          -  Chemotherapy for an indication other than treatment of pancreatic cancer within the
             past 5 years.

          -  Known or suspected metastatic involvement of the central nervous system.

          -  Left ventricular ejection fraction less than 45% by Multigated Acquisition Scan or
             echocardiogram (or significantly below the lower limit of normal for the specific

          -  Clinically significant structural heart disease or vascular disease.

          -  Myocardial infarction within 6 months prior to enrollment; New York Heart Association
             (NYHA) Class III or IV heart failure; angina; uncontrolled ventricular arrhythmias; or
             electrocardiographic evidence of acute ischemia or active conduction system

          -  History of long QT syndrome.

          -  Clinically significant prolongation of QTc (Bazett formula) on EKG, defined as > 0.45
             s in males and > 0.47 s in females.

          -  Severe hypertension, which is defined as the presence of any of the following:

               1. History of hypertensive crisis, hypertensive emergency, or malignant hypertension
                  within the last year.

               2. Sustained or persistent systolic BP > 165 mm Hg or diastolic > 110 mm Hg.

          -  Other clinically significant cardiovascular disease.

          -  NOTE:

               1. A past history of severe hypertension that is well-controlled with therapy or
                  that was addressed by removal of the cause (e.g., removal of a medicine that
                  caused the severe hypertension) is not an exclusion criterion.

               2. The presence of a pacemaker is not a contraindication and is not considered an
                  exclusion criterion

          -  History or evidence of interstitial lung disease (e.g., pneumonitis or pulmonary

          -  If a smoker, refusal to stop smoking for the duration of the trial.

          -  FEV1 or DLCO (adjusted for hemoglobin) < 50% of predicted.

          -  Total bilirubin > 2x upper normal limit, except that potential subjects with Gilbert's
             Disease are permitted to exceed 2x upper normal limit.

          -  ALT or AST > 2.5x upper normal limit.

          -  Alkaline phosphatase > 2.5x upper normal limit, in conjunction with elevated GGT.

          -  Albumin < 2.7 g/dl.

          -  Clinical evidence of sinusoidal obstruction syndrome.

          -  Corrected creatinine clearance consistently < 55 ml/min/1.73 m^2.

          -  Clinically significant renal disease.

          -  Hemolytic anemia.

          -  Catalase deficiency.

          -  Evidence of bone marrow insufficiency or failure.

          -  An absolute neutrophil count < 1500/µL.

          -  A platelet count < 100,000/µL.

          -  A hemoglobin < 10 g/dL.

             a. Note that a hemoglobin < 10 g/dL is not an exclusion criterion provided that the
             value was subsequently stably increased to ≥ 10 g/dL by the transfusion of RBCs (i.e.,
             there is not active bleeding or hemolysis).

          -  G6PD deficiency as measured by quantitative enzyme levels below the normal reference
             range in blood.

          -  Unwillingness to receive blood products if needed.

          -  Pre-existing bleeding diathesis or coagulopathy.

          -  Pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, or other significant thromboembolic event
             that requires continued anticoagulation.

          -  Potential subject is pregnant.

          -  Breast feeding and unwilling to stop.

          -  Wilson's disease.

          -  Primary or secondary hemochromatosis.

          -  Hgb A1c > 9%.

          -  Hyperuricemia that is not responsive to therapy.

          -  Plasma oxalate greater than 10 µM, which is not responsive to measures to reduce the
             level below 10 µM.

             a. Subjects must be off vitamin C for at least 48 hours prior to the oxalic acid
             measurements and have fasted overnight.

          -  Prior or current hepatitis B or C.

          -  HIV infection or seropositivity for HIV.

          -  Active, clinically significant bacterial, viral, or fungal infection.

          -  History of colonization with a multidrug-resistant "superbug" that poses a high risk
             of an untreatable infection in the setting of neutropenia.

          -  Uncontrolled seizure disorder.

          -  If a potential subject has received radiation, then any of the following:

               1. A volume ≥ 700 ml of normal liver received a dose ≥ 4 Gy.

               2. The mean dose to normal liver (i.e., liver minus gross tumor volume) was ≥ 4 Gy.

               3. The mean dose to normal lung (i.e., lung minus gross tumor volume) was ≥ 4 Gy.

          -  History of significant allergy or other contraindication to BCNU, melphalan, vitamin
             B12b, vitamin C, pegfilgrastim, or Neupogen, or to any excipient in those drugs.

          -  Use of any of the following cytochrome P450 2b6 (CYP2b6) inducers within 21 days of
             the planned date of BCNU treatment: phenobarbital, carbamazepam, rifampicin,
             phenytoin, sulfinpyrazone, or verapamil.

          -  Disulfiram (Antabuse) use within 30 days of the planned ethanol administration.

          -  Current chronic use of immunosuppressive agents (e.g., methotrexate, cyclosporine,

          -  Prior bone marrow stem cell transplant.

          -  Prior radiation therapy to the brain, kidneys, pelvis, or GI tract or treatment with

          -  Prior treatment with bleomycin or BCNU.

          -  Clinical evidence of tumor resistance to DNA-crosslinking agents, including
             platinum-based drugs, cyclophosphamide, melphalan, or ifosfamide.

          -  If a PARP inhibitor is the last chemotherapy received, then clinical or radiographical
             evidence of tumor resistance to PARP inhibitors.

          -  Subject has not fully recovered (i.e., there remain toxicities > Grade 1) from the
             reversible effects of prior chemotherapy, with the exception of chemotherapy-induced
             alopecia and grade 2 peripheral neuropathy, unless in the opinion of the principal
             investigator the effects are not of clinical significance.

          -  Any concurrent anticancer treatment.

          -  Serious underlying medical or psychiatric illness or another condition that in the
             clinical judgment of the principal investigator is likely to interfere with the
             potential subject completing participation in the trial, based on safety concerns or

          -  Inability or unwillingness to adhere to the study protocol.

          -  Unwillingness to receive ethanol, which is used as a co-solvent for BCNU (and which
             also serves the purpose of protecting RBC catalase in the trial).

          -  Participation in other interventional clinical trials within 30 days of enrollment.
Maximum Eligible Age:70 Years
Minimum Eligible Age:18 Years
Eligible Gender:All
Healthy Volunteers:No

Primary Outcome Measures

Measure:Rate of Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome
Time Frame:30 days after treatment
Safety Issue:
Description:Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome diagnosis and grading will use the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation's Revised Diagnosis and Severity Criteria for Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome/Veno-Occlusive Disease in Adult Patients as published in 2016. Gradings are from mild to very severe (multi-organ dysfunction/multi-organ failure).

Secondary Outcome Measures

Measure:Objective response according to RECIST version 1.1
Time Frame:1 month after the first stem cell treatment
Safety Issue:
Description:Objective response will be evaluated according to RECIST version 1.1 as assessed by the independent core imaging facility. This endpoint will be evaluated with CT scans with contrast of the abdomen, pelvis, and chest and other sites as clinically indicated at each time point.
Measure:Objective response according to RECIST version 1.1
Time Frame:1 month after the second stem cell treatment
Safety Issue:
Description:Objective response will be evaluated according to RECIST version 1.1 as assessed by the independent core imaging facility. This endpoint will be evaluated with CT scans with contrast of the abdomen, pelvis, and chest and other sites as clinically indicated at each time point.
Measure:Objective response according to RECIST version 1.1
Time Frame:3 months after the second stem cell treatment
Safety Issue:
Description:Objective response will be evaluated according to RECIST version 1.1 as assessed by the independent core imaging facility. This endpoint will be evaluated with CT scans with contrast of the abdomen, pelvis, and chest and other sites as clinically indicated at each time point.
Measure:Objective response according to RECIST version 1.1
Time Frame:6 months after the second stem cell treatment
Safety Issue:
Description:Objective response will be evaluated according to RECIST version 1.1 as assessed by the independent core imaging facility. This endpoint will be evaluated with CT scans with contrast of the abdomen, pelvis, and chest and other sites as clinically indicated at each time point.
Measure:Objective response according to RECIST version 1.1
Time Frame:9 months after the second stem cell treatment
Safety Issue:
Description:Objective response will be evaluated according to RECIST version 1.1 as assessed by the independent core imaging facility. This endpoint will be evaluated with CT scans with contrast of the abdomen, pelvis, and chest and other sites as clinically indicated at each time point.
Measure:Objective response according to RECIST version 1.1
Time Frame:12 months after the second stem cell treatment
Safety Issue:
Description:Objective response will be evaluated according to RECIST version 1.1 as assessed by the independent core imaging facility. This endpoint will be evaluated with CT scans with contrast of the abdomen, pelvis, and chest and other sites as clinically indicated at each time point.
Measure:Objective response rate in metastatic lesions
Time Frame:1 month after the first stem cell treatment
Safety Issue:
Description:Objective response of metastatic lesions will be evaluated according to RECIST version 1.1 as assessed by the independent core imaging facility, but excluding the primary tumor from the analysis. This endpoint will be evaluated with CT scans with contrast of the abdomen, pelvis, and chest and other sites as clinically indicated at each time point.
Measure:Objective response rate in metastatic lesions
Time Frame:1 month after the second stem cell treatment
Safety Issue:
Description:Objective response of metastatic lesions will be evaluated according to RECIST version 1.1 as assessed by the independent core imaging facility, but excluding the primary tumor from the analysis. This endpoint will be evaluated with CT scans with contrast of the abdomen, pelvis, and chest and other sites as clinically indicated at each time point.
Measure:Objective response rate in metastatic lesions
Time Frame:3 months after the second stem cell treatment
Safety Issue:
Description:Objective response of metastatic lesions will be evaluated according to RECIST version 1.1 as assessed by the independent core imaging facility, but excluding the primary tumor from the analysis. This endpoint will be evaluated with CT scans with contrast of the abdomen, pelvis, and chest and other sites as clinically indicated at each time point.
Measure:Objective response rate in metastatic lesions
Time Frame:6 months after the second stem cell treatment
Safety Issue:
Description:Objective response of metastatic lesions will be evaluated according to RECIST version 1.1 as assessed by the independent core imaging facility, but excluding the primary tumor from the analysis. This endpoint will be evaluated with CT scans with contrast of the abdomen, pelvis, and chest and other sites as clinically indicated at each time point.
Measure:Objective response rate in metastatic lesions
Time Frame:9 months after the second stem cell treatment
Safety Issue:
Description:Objective response of metastatic lesions will be evaluated according to RECIST version 1.1 as assessed by the independent core imaging facility, but excluding the primary tumor from the analysis. This endpoint will be evaluated with CT scans with contrast of the abdomen, pelvis, and chest and other sites as clinically indicated at each time point.
Measure:Objective response rate in metastatic lesions
Time Frame:12 months after the second stem cell treatment
Safety Issue:
Description:Objective response of metastatic lesions will be evaluated according to RECIST version 1.1 as assessed by the independent core imaging facility, but excluding the primary tumor from the analysis. This endpoint will be evaluated with CT scans with contrast of the abdomen, pelvis, and chest and other sites as clinically indicated at each time point.
Measure:Overall Survival
Time Frame:Until 12 months after the second stem cell treatment
Safety Issue:
Description:Overall survival will be measured from the time of enrollment until death from any cause and will be measured in the intent-to-treat population. Subjects without a known date of death will be censored on the date the subject was last known to be alive.
Measure:Progression-Free Survival
Time Frame:Until 12 months after the second stem cell treatment
Safety Issue:
Description:Progression-free survival will be measured as time-to-progression with the starting time being the time of enrollment. A subject is also considered to have progressed if one of the following occurs: Progression as determined by a RECIST evaluation. Unequivocal evidence of clinical progression. Marked escalation in cancer-related pain that is assessed by the principal investigator to indicate the need for other systemic chemotherapy. Immediate need for initiation of new anticancer treatment or surgical or radiological intervention for complications due to tumor progression even in the absence of radiological progression. Marked deterioration in Karnofsky score felt by the investigator to indicate clinical progression. A determination that it is in the best interest of the subject to come off the study due to clinical progression. Death from any cause.


Phase:Phase 1
Primary Purpose:Interventional
Overall Status:Recruiting
Lead Sponsor:General Oncology, Inc.

Trial Keywords

  • pancreatic adenocarcinoma
  • pancreatic cancer
  • BRCA
  • BRCA1
  • BRCA2
  • melphalan
  • BCNU
  • carmustine
  • vitamin C
  • vitamin B12b
  • autologous stem cell infusion
  • oligometastatic pancreatic cancer
  • stage 4 pancreatic cancer
  • metastatic pancreatic cancer

Last Updated

June 4, 2021