Clinical Trials /

Fulvestrant + Neratinib In Breast Cancer



This is a Phase 2 open label, multi-center non-randomized interventional study designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of combining Neratinib plus Fulvestrant in previously treated metastatic HR-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer. - This research study involves the study drug Neratinib - The standard of care drug Fulvestrant

Related Conditions:
  • Breast Carcinoma
Recruiting Status:

Not yet recruiting


Phase 2

Trial Eligibility



  • Brief Title: Fulvestrant + Neratinib In Breast Cancer
  • Official Title: An Open-Label Phase II Trial of Fulvestrant And Neratinib in Previously Treated HRPositive, HER2-Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer Subjects Assessed With a Test Measuring Live Cell HER2 Signaling Function

Clinical Trial IDs

  • ORG STUDY ID: 21-038
  • NCT ID: NCT04901299


  • Stage IV (Metastatic) Breast Cancer
  • Metastatic Breast Cancer
  • ER Positive Breast Cancer
  • PR-Positive Breast Cancer
  • HER2-negative Breast Cancer
  • Invasive Breast Cancer




This is a Phase 2 open label, multi-center non-randomized interventional study designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of combining Neratinib plus Fulvestrant in previously treated metastatic HR-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer. - This research study involves the study drug Neratinib - The standard of care drug Fulvestrant

Detailed Description

      -  The research study procedures include screening for eligibility and study treatment
           including evaluations and follow up visits.

             -  This research study involves the study drug Neratinib

             -  The standard of care drug Fulvestrant

        -  It is expected that about 25 people will take part in this research study.

        -  This research study is a Phase II clinical trial. Phase II clinical trials test the
           safety and effectiveness of an investigational drug to learn whether the drug works in
           treating a specific disease. "Investigational" means that the drug is being studied.

        -  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved Neratinib for this specific
           disease but it has been approved for other uses.

        -  The FDA has approved Fulvestrant as a treatment option for this disease. Fulvestrant is
           a standard of care drug that will be administered.

Trial Arms

NERATINIB + FULVESTRANTExperimentalAfter the screening procedures confirm participation in the research study. - Each Cycle = 28 days Neratinib (oral, once daily) Fulvestrant, injection, on 2 days for cycle 1, then one time per cycle thereafter

Eligibility Criteria

        Inclusion Criteria:

          -  Adult (≥ 18 years of age).

          -  Histologically or cytologically confirmed stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer. PI
             approval is needed for patients who do not have source documentation of histologically
             confirmed stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer, but otherwise have known metastatic
             breast cancer.

          -  Participants must have biopsy proven HR+, i.e ER positive (ER+) and/or PR positive
             (PR+), HER2 non-amplified (negative), invasive breast cancer. ER, PR, and HER2
             positivity would be determined per institutional (local) testing, with HR+/HER2
             nonamplified (negative) status for this trial determined as per 2020 ASCO/CAP
             guidelines, in a biopsy/surgical specimen analyzed for ER/PR/HER2. Patients with "ER
             or PR low positive" (<10%) as per updated ASCO/CAP 2020 guidelines can be
             considered.Confirmation of adequate (15-20 unstained slides cut at 5-10 μm or 1 block)
             archival tissue (primary or metastatic) required before study entry. If adequate
             tissue not available, PI approval is required prior to study entry.

          -  Previously treated with no more than three prior chemotherapy regimens (no limit on
             prior endocrine-based regimens (including CDK4/6i and PI3K pathway inhibitors) or
             immunotherapy). In patients with disease recurrence during/within 12 months of
             (neo)adjuvant therapy, the (neo)adjuvant therapy would count as one prior regimen for
             this criterion. Radiation therapy or local therapy/surgery would not count as prior
             regimen for this criterion. Patient who discontinued chemotherapy during/after only
             one cycle and/or due to adverse effects without disease progression would not count
             the treatment/regimen as prior regimen for this criterion. Antibody drug conjugate and
             PARP inhibitor treatment would count as chemotherapy regimen for this criterion.

          -  Hyperactive HER2 signaling activity based on results from the CELsignia test (separate
             pre-screening test).

          -  Postmenopausal women with locally advanced or metastatic BC. Patients must be
             postmenopausal women as defined by one of the following:

               -  Women > 60 years OR

               -  Women ≤ 60 years, and any one of the following:

                    -  LH and FSH level in the postmenopausal range according to institutional

                    -  s/p post bilateral surgical oophorectomy

          -  Premenopausal/perimenopausal women on gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (to be
             continued during study) and estradiol level in the postmenopausal range according to
             institutional standards.

          -  ECOG performance status = 0-2

          -  Measurable disease as per RECIST Version 1.1.

          -  Ability to understand and the willingness to undergo tissue biopsy for HER2 testing
             (CELsignia test). Patient has signed the Informed Consent (ICF) prior to any screening
             procedures being performed and is able to comply with protocol requirements.

          -  At least 2 weeks beyond treatment (chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy,
             and/or radiation therapy) or major surgery and recovered from all acute toxicities
             prior to randomization. (adverse events from prior anti-cancer agents need to be grade
             1 or lower; grade 2 alopecia or peripheral neuropathy is permitted).

          -  Patient has adequate bone marrow and organ function as defined by the following
             laboratory values at screening:

               -  Absolute neutrophil count ≥ 1.5 × 109/L

               -  Platelets ≥ 75 × 109/L

               -  Hemoglobin ≥ 9.0 g/dL (transfusion permitted)

               -  INR ≤1.5

               -  GFR or creatinine clearance ≥50 mL/min (either permitted)

               -  In the absence of liver metastases, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate
                  aminotransferase (AST) <2.5 x ULN. If the patient has liver metastases, ALT and
                  AST <5 x ULN.

               -  Total bilirubin ≤1.5.0 x ULN, or direct bilirubin ≤3 x ULN in patients with well
                  documented Gilbert's Syndrome.

        Exclusion Criteria:

          -  Participants who have received prior neratinib or any anti-HER2 therapy for metastatic
             disease will not be eligible. Participants who have received prior fulvestrant (or any
             other endocrine therapy) will be eligible. Patients with known HER2 activating
             mutations (either plasma and/or tissue-based genotyping) will not be eligible.

          -  Participants with increasing/progressive CNS metastatic disease. Patients with
             asymptomatic or stable CNS metastasis are eligible, provided metastasis radiologically
             non-progressing for at least two weeks, and patient is not actively taking steroids
             (more than 20 mg of prednisone or equivalent dose).

          -  Uncontrolled inter-current illness including, but not limited to, ongoing or active
             infection, symptomatic congestive heart failure, unstable angina pectoris, cardiac
             arrhythmia, or psychiatric illness/social situations that would limit compliance with
             study requirements. Patient has impairment of gastrointestinal (GI) function or GI
             disease that may significantly alter the absorption of the study drugs (e.g.,
             ulcerative diseases, uncontrolled nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, malabsorption syndrome,
             or small bowel resection).

          -  Clinically significant, uncontrolled heart disease and/or cardiac repolarization
             abnormality including any of the following:

               -  History of angina pectoris, symptomatic pericarditis, coronary artery bypass
                  graft (CABG) or myocardial infarction within 6 months prior to study entry.

               -  Known LVEF <50% (by ECHO or MUGA) and/or known documented cardiomyopathy.

               -  History of cardiac failure, significant/symptomatic bradycardia, Long QT
                  syndrome, family history of idiopathic sudden death or congenital long QT
                  syndrome or any of the following:

                    -  Known risk to prolong the QT interval or induce Torsade's de Pointes.

                    -  On screening, QTcF >470 screening ECG.

          -  HIV-positive participants on combination antiretroviral therapy are ineligible. These
             participants are at increased risk of lethal infections when treated with marrow
             suppressive therapy. Appropriate studies will be undertaken in participants receiving
             combination antiretroviral therapy when indicated.

          -  Pregnant women are excluded from this study because the safety of study medications is
             not established in pregnant women.

          -  Women of child-bearing potential, defined as all women physiologically capable of
             becoming pregnant, or fertile men, unless they are using highly effective methods of
             contraception throughout the study and after study drug discontinuation (till seven
             months in women and four months in males, post-study). Male patient should not donate
             sperm while on treatment and up to 6 months after last dose. Women are considered
             postmenopausal and not of childbearing potential if they have had 12 months of natural
             (spontaneous) amenorrhea with an appropriate clinical profile (e.g. age appropriate,
             history of vasomotor symptoms) or have had surgical bilateral oophorectomy (with or
             without hysterectomy) or tubal ligation at least six weeks ago. In the case of
             oophorectomy alone, only when the reproductive status of the woman has been confirmed
             by follow up hormone level assessment is she considered not of childbearing potential.
             Highly effective contraception methods include:

               -  Total abstinence when this is in line with the preferred and usual lifestyle of
                  the patient. Periodic abstinence (e.g., calendar, ovulation, symptothermal,
                  postovulation methods) and withdrawal are not acceptable methods of

               -  Female sterilization (have had surgical bilateral oophorectomy with or without
                  hysterectomy), total hysterectomy, or tubal ligation at least six weeks before
                  taking study treatment. In case of oophorectomy alone, only when the reproductive
                  status of the woman has been confirmed by follow up hormone level assessment

               -  Use of oral, injected or implanted hormonal methods of contraception or placement
                  of an intrauterine device (IUD) or intrauterine system (IUS), or other forms of
                  hormonal contraception that have comparable efficacy (failure rate <1%), for
                  example hormone vaginal ring or transdermal hormone contraception.

               -  In case of use of oral contraception, women should have been stable on the same
                  pill for a minimum of 3 months before taking study treatment. Note: While oral
                  contraceptives are allowed, they should be used in conjunction with a barrier
                  method of contraception due to unknown effect of drug-drug interaction.
Maximum Eligible Age:N/A
Minimum Eligible Age:18 Years
Eligible Gender:All
Healthy Volunteers:No

Primary Outcome Measures

Measure:Objective response rates (ORR)
Time Frame:Up to 33 Months
Safety Issue:
Description:ORR is defined as the proportion of patients with a confirmed CR or PR per Investigator's assessment per RECIST v1.1

Secondary Outcome Measures

Measure:Time-to-Tumor Response (TTR)
Time Frame:Up to 33 Months
Safety Issue:
Description:defined for patients with confirmed objective response (CR or PR) as the time from the first dose of study treatment to the first documentation of objective tumor response
Measure:Cumulative Objective Response Incidence
Time Frame:Up to 33 Months
Safety Issue:
Description:defined as the cumulative proportion of patients with an objective response (CR or PR) after study treatment. The cumulative number of patients with an OR will be determined at the end of each time period and the cumulative incidence will then be calculated.
Measure:Duration of response (DOR)
Time Frame:Up to 33 Months
Safety Issue:
Description:is defined for patients with confirmed objective response (CR or PR) as the time from the first documentation of objective tumor response to the first documentation of objective tumor progression or to death due to any cause, whichever occurs first. DR will be analyzed using Kaplan-Meier methods and descriptive statistics.
Measure:Progression-Free Survival (PFS)
Time Frame:Up to 33 Months
Safety Issue:
Description:defined as the time from the first dose of study treatment to the date of progression by RECIST v1.1 or death due to any cause, whichever occurs first. PFS will be analyzed using Kaplan-Meier methods and descriptive statistics.
Measure:Overall survival (OS)
Time Frame:Up to 33 Months
Safety Issue:
Description:defined as the time from the first dose of study treatment to the date of death. OS will be analyzed using Kaplan-Meier methods and descriptive statistics.
Measure:Number of Participants with Treatment Related Adverse Events as Assessed NCI CTCAE (version 5.0)
Time Frame:first treatment day to death up to 33 Months
Safety Issue:
Description:NCI CTCAE (version 5.0) criteria for adverse events
Measure:CELsignia score and Objective Response
Time Frame:Up to 33 Months
Safety Issue:
Description:The correlation between quantitative CELsignia score and OR, will be assessed to evaluate different cut-off values and corresponding treatment responses. CELsignia HER2 Pathway Activity Test
Measure:CELsignia score and CB
Time Frame:Up to 33 Months
Safety Issue:
Description:The correlation between quantitative CELsignia score and CB, will be assessed to evaluate different cut-off values and corresponding treatment responses. (CELsignia HER2 Pathway Activity Test)
Measure:CELsignia score and Progression Free Survival
Time Frame:up to 33 months
Safety Issue:
Description:The correlation between quantitative CELsignia score and PFS, will be assessed to evaluate different cut-off values and corresponding treatment responses. (CELsignia HER2 Pathway Activity Test)
Measure:CELsignia score and molecular alterations in plasma
Time Frame:Up to 33 Months
Safety Issue:
Description:The correlation between quantitative CELsignia score and molecular alterations in plasma, particularly HER2 mutations. ( CELsignia HER2 Pathway Activity Test)


Phase:Phase 2
Primary Purpose:Interventional
Overall Status:Not yet recruiting
Lead Sponsor:Massachusetts General Hospital

Trial Keywords

  • stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer
  • Metastatic Breast Cancer
  • ER Positive Breast Cancer
  • PR-Positive Breast Cancer
  • HER2-negative Breast Cancer
  • Invasive Breast Cancer

Last Updated

May 25, 2021