
NCI Definition [1]:
An inhibitor of ataxia telangiectasia and rad3-related (ATR) kinase, a DNA damage response kinase, with potential antineoplastic activity. ATR kinase inhibitor VX-970 selectively inhibits ATR kinase activity and prevents ATR-mediated signaling in the ATR-checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1) signaling pathway. This prevents DNA damage checkpoint activation, disrupts DNA damage repair, and induces tumor cell apoptosis. In addition, VX-970 sensitizes tumor cells to chemo- and radiotherapy. ATR, a serine/threonine protein kinase upregulated in a variety of cancer cell types, plays a key role in DNA repair, cell cycle progression, and survival; it is activated by DNA damage caused during DNA replication-associated stress.

Berzosertib has been investigated in 21 clinical trials, of which 18 are open and 3 are closed. Of the trials investigating berzosertib, 8 are phase 1 (6 open), 5 are phase 1/phase 2 (5 open), and 8 are phase 2 (7 open).

ATM Loss, ATM Mutation, and ATR Loss are the most frequent biomarker inclusion criteria for berzosertib clinical trials.

Malignant solid tumor, small cell lung carcinoma, and non-small cell lung carcinoma are the most common diseases being investigated in berzosertib clinical trials [2].

Top Biomarker Inclusion Criteria for Open Clinical Trials Investigating Berzosertib
Top Biomarker Inclusion Criteria for Closed Clinical Trials Investigating Berzosertib
This graph displays the 20 most frequently occurring biomarkers curated on clinical trials investigating berzosertib and the cancer types associated with these biomarkers. These numbers are derived from a set of 5,931 clinical trials for which biomarker status defines treatment.

Drug Details

Synonyms [2]:
atr kinase inhibitor vx-970, vx-970, m6620, m 6620, atr kinase inhibitor m6620
Drug Categories [2]:
Serine/threonine kinase inhibitors
Drug Target(s) [2]:
NCIT ID [1]:


1. National Cancer Institute. NCI Thesaurus Version 18.11d. https://ncit.nci.nih.gov/ncitbrowser/. [2018-07-30] [2018-08-02].

2. All assertions and clinical trial landscape data are curated from primary sources. You can read more about the curation process here.